Mega EP Day:
Ingame Promo: Event-timer, News page
Read more about this mini-event here -> here <-
Mysterious Stable Event:
Ingame Promo: Event-Timer, Billboard, Zeppelin, News Page
- Starts: Saturday, 23rd of March at 10:00 am CET
- End: Monday, 25th of March at 11:00 am CET
Read more about this mini-event -> here <-
During the Mysterious Stables Event, you have the chance to find the following stables (up to your game level):
Classic I stables
Classic II stables
Yellow upgrades
Orange upgrades
Workshops / Production Farms (Including Moose Music Hall (? unsure at this moment)+ Crow Hoard)
And of course: Special (Prize) Animal Stables :
(Bat, Moose, Glow worm, Groundhog, Owl, Skunk, Bear, Eagle, Hamster)
and NEW: Fox stall

Gives: 1 fox and 105 EP
Time: 19 hours (with just feed)
Feed: 1 egg (takes 7 minutes to make feed)
Both Events will start in :
Classic I stables
Classic II stables
Yellow upgrades
Orange upgrades
Workshops / Production Farms (Including Moose Music Hall (? unsure at this moment)+ Crow Hoard)
And of course: Special (Prize) Animal Stables :
(Bat, Moose, Glow worm, Groundhog, Owl, Skunk, Bear, Eagle, Hamster)
and NEW: Fox stall
Gives: 1 fox and 105 EP
Time: 19 hours (with just feed)
Feed: 1 egg (takes 7 minutes to make feed)
Both Events will start in :
Mega EP Event will end in :
Mystery Stable Event will end in :
Source: Official Farmerama Forums