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Theater on the Farm
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

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Magical Trek (Mystery Seedlings) Quest
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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

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Truffle Snuffle
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Thursday, March 22, 2012

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Mother’s Day on the farm
Howdy Farmers,
Mother’s Day is coming – so roll up your sleeves ‘cuz there’s lots to do: There are cakes to bake, flowers to pick and pictures to paint!.

From May 7-8, 2011 we’ll be putting on a small FARMERAMA event to celebrate moms:
The country kids are filled with excitement and can’t wait to present their mothers with beautiful surprises. Help ‘em complete the new “Gifts for moms” challenges and make it a memorable day for every farm mom!
For all your hard work this Mother’s Day, you’ll get your very own Mother’s Day sticker and an exclusive Mother’s Day reward.
Have fun and to all mothers: Happy Mother’s Day!
source: official farmerama forum
Mother’s Day is coming – so roll up your sleeves ‘cuz there’s lots to do: There are cakes to bake, flowers to pick and pictures to paint!.
From May 7-8, 2011 we’ll be putting on a small FARMERAMA event to celebrate moms:
The country kids are filled with excitement and can’t wait to present their mothers with beautiful surprises. Help ‘em complete the new “Gifts for moms” challenges and make it a memorable day for every farm mom!
For all your hard work this Mother’s Day, you’ll get your very own Mother’s Day sticker and an exclusive Mother’s Day reward.
Have fun and to all mothers: Happy Mother’s Day!
source: official farmerama forum

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Gifts for moms,
Mother’s Day sticker,
mothers day
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Easter Event
Howdy Farmers, Easter’s on its way, and so is the Easter Bunny. From April 18–27, 2011, the Easter Bunny will hop from farm to farm and hide an egg on each of your farms. It's your job to get cracking and find these Easter treats as soon as you can. Once you do, the Easter Bunny will drop by your farm again and hide more for you to find. You'll have a chance every 45 minutes to get a new one when the Easter Bunny visits your farm. Just remember, he'll only hide an egg on the field(s) where you already found an egg! This Easter's sure to be “eggcellent“! There a number of ways for you to use the Easter eggs you find. You can use them to master three new Easter challenge series: the “Egg painting” series, the “Easter recipes” series or the “The deli” series. Some of these challenges may be quite tricky, and you'll definitely need to have some experience under your belt if you wish to get 'em done. But don't worry, 'cuz there's plenty of work to go around and challenges for players of all levels. You can also head to the city and visit the Paint factory to swap your Easter eggs for other “egg-citing” items. This is your chance to finish your collection of Easter items if you weren't able to get them all last year. You can also send special Easter gifts to your friends and wish them a Happy Easter! Collecting Easter eggs is really quite easy. You can look for them on your farm, win them in challenges, or have friends send you them. If you need to get some quickly, you can also buy them in the supply store! Hold onto your eggs, don't throw 'em away: After Easter is over, you'll get 10 EP for every leftover egg. That's all yolks! Have a Happy Easter! |
Easter Event has started on Farmerama.
The Easter Bunny has hidden some Easter Eggs all over your farm.
Find them and trade them in for great Easter decoration items, use them forEaster Quests and send them to your Friends.
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Where can I get some easter eggs?
- you can collect them on your Farm
- receive some as rewards on the "painting eggs" Quest
- They can also be gifted to neighbours/buddies
- They can be bought in the Supply Store for 2 BB
How does the collecting work?
- One egg will appear, they should be "visible"
- as soon as you collect this egg, the timer is going to start on the Egg Timer (on the left of your farm)
- When the timer is finished, the Egg icon will 'flash' showing that another egg has appear on the same field.
Thank you to the french team for this animated .gif!
What can I use the eggs for?
- the eggs are needed for some of the event quests
- with the eggs you'll be able to buy last year's easter items (this will be added later today or tomorrow)
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2010 Easter items
(in the Supply Store must be paid with Easter Eggs only)
spring bunny: 90 EP every 12 h --> cost 60 Easter eggs
Easter bush: 20 CC every 20h --> cost 2 Easter eggs
white chocolate bunny: 50 CC every 12 h --> cost 30 Easter eggs
milk chocolate bunny: 50 EP every 12 h --> cost 30 Easter eggs
dark chocolate bunny: 50 EP every 12 h --> cost 30 Easter eggs
mega easter egg (fully upgraded): 250 CC every 20h --> cost 80 Easter eggs
fledgling (fully upgraded): 250 EP every 20h --> cost 100 Easter eggs
Here are some of these items:
Each of these items sits on 1 square
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In the easter event there will be 3 quests:
By clicking on the Event Place in the City:
You'll discover 3 new Quests:
1. Egg Painting Quest
goal: produce Easter eggs, which can be used as a payment method in the shop and can be used to trade
2. Easter Recipies Quest
goal: 2 Giver-Items as a reward + EP, CC, BB, Power-Feed
3. The Deli (Delicatessen)
goal: 2 Giver-Items + EP, CC, BB, Bahamarama-EP, PalmPenny (PP), Farmhelpers (Harvester-Seeder-FarmDroid), Power-food, Super-Grow
- - - - -
Egg painting quest:
step 1 - Supply
With all the farm animals pitching in to help the Easter Bunny paint his eggs, the chickens somehow got carried away in all the excitement and forgot to lay eggs. Now all the eggs are almost gone and more are needed fast!
silver challenge:
items required: 1 chicken egg (5 BB)
reward: 100 EP, 1x Easter egg
gold challenge:
items required: total 3 chicken eggs (10 BB)
reward: 200 EP, 2x Easter egg
diamond challenge:
items required: total 6 chicken eggs, 1x color palette (25 BB)
reward: 400 EP, 4x Easter egg
step 2 - Resupply
The Easter Bunny's made his first round and hid some eggs, but he's still got plenty of great hiding spots. Help him get some more eggs and he'll give you a special Easter Egg in return!
silver challenge:
items required: 2 chicken eggs (10 BB)
reward: 200 EP, 2x Easter eggs
gold challenge:
items required: total 4 chicken eggs (10 BB)
reward: 300 EP, 3x Easter eggs
diamond challenge:
items required: total 8 chicken eggs, 1 color palette (30 BB)
reward: 600 EP, 5x Easter eggs
step 3 - Workload
The poor Easter Bunny, he just can't seem to keep up with all the farmers. They're just too good at finding his hiding spots. Hop to it and get him some more eggs.
silver challenge:
items required: 3 chicken eggs (15 BB)
reward: 300 EP, 3x Easter eggs
gold challenge:
items required: total 6 chicken eggs (15 BB)
reward: 400 EP, 4x Easter eggs
diamond challenge:
items required: total 12 chicken eggs, 1 color palette (40 BB)
reward: 800 EP, 6x Easter eggs
step 4 - Postcard
The country folk just can't seem to get enough of the Easter Bunny's painted eggs. They love all the bright colored Easter treats. He needs more - get cracking and deliver some more!
silver challenge:
items required: 4 chicken eggs (20 BB)
reward: 400 EP, 4x Easter egg
gold challenge:
items required: total 8 chicken eggs (20 BB)
reward: 500 EP, 5x Easter egg
diamond challenge:
items required: total 16 chicken eggs, 1 color palette (50 BB)
reward: 1000 EP, 7x Easter egg
step 5 - Final Supply
The Easter Bunny loves spreading joy across the land. Help him make one last tour, so he can hide more colorful eggs around the country!
silver challenge:
items required: 5 chicken eggs (25 BB)
reward: 500 EP, 5x Easter Egg
gold challenge:
items required: total 10 chicken eggs (25 BB)
reward: 600 EP, 6x Easter Egg
diamond challenge:
items required: total 20 chicken eggs, 5 ostrich eggs, 1 color palette (124 BB)
reward: 1200 EP, 8x Easter Egg, 10x Power-feed
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Easter recipes quest:
step 1 - Carrot cake
The Easter Bunny can't resist the sweet smell of carrots. Bake him a lovely carrot cake and he's sure to hop by your farm!
silver challenge -
items required: 15 Easter eggs, 500 wheat, 500 carrots (67 BB)
reward: 500 EP, 500 CC
gold challenge -
items required: total 30 Easter eggs, 1000 wheat, 1000 carrots (67 BB)
rewards: 1000 EP, 1000 CC
diamond challenge -
items required: total 50 Easter eggs, 2000 wheat, 2000 carrots (113 BB)
rewards: 2000 EP, 2000 CC
step 2 - Pickled eggs
Easter just wouldn't be complete without lots of eggs to color and dye. Treat your hens to an "eggstra" portion of feed, so you can eat dozens and dozens of pretty eggs.
silver challenge -
items required: 15 Easter eggs, 50 water, 1 chicken egg (35 BB)
reward: 500 EP, 4x Power-Feed
gold challenge -
items required: total 30 Easter eggs, 100 water, 3 chicken eggs (40 BB)
rewards: 1000 EP, 8x Power-Feed
diamond challenge -
items required: total 50 Easter eggs, 200 water, 6 chicken eggs (55 BB)
rewards: 2000 EP, 12x Power-Feed
step 3 - Apple Turnover
Share good food with friends and family this easter and bake some of grandma's homemade apple pie. Your guests will love it!
silver challenge -
items required: 15 Easter Eggs, 600 wheat, 2 chicken eggs, 4 apples (62 BB)
reward: 600 EP, 500 CC
gold challenge -
items required: total 30 Easter Eggs, 1200 wheat, 4 chicken eggs, 10 apples (98 BB)
rewards: 1200 EP, 800 CC
diamond challenge -
items required: total 50 Easter Eggs, 2300 wheat, 8 chicken eggs, 20 apples (77 BB)
rewards: 2500 EP, 1500 CC, 10x Power-Feed
step 4 - Little helpers
Looks like the Easter Bunny's all booked up this year. You're just going to have to find someone to entertain your guests and hide eggs. How 'bout some hens dressed up in Easter Bunny suits made out of angora wool?
silver challenge -
items required: 20 Easter Eggs, 2 angora wool, 5 chickens, 5 normal rabbits (61 BB)
reward: 800 EP, 4 BB
gold challenge -
items required: total 40 Easter Eggs, 5 angora wool, 12 chickens, 12 normal rabbits (70 BB)
rewards: 1400 EP, 1x Easter Basket (Osterkorb)
diamond challenge -
items required: total 60 Easter eggs, 10 angora wool, 30 chickens, 30 normal rabbits (100 BB)
rewards: 2500 EP, 10 BB
Easter Recipes Quest - Step 4 - Gold Challenge
--> 25 EP every 6 Hours
1 square
****step 5 - Egg salad Sandwiches
Easter's all about eggs. And what better way to enjoy it than with egg salad sandwiches? Gather the best eggs and freshest veggies for a true taste sensation!
silver challenge -
items required: 25 Easter eggs, 100 cucumber, 3 chicken eggs (75 BB)
reward: 1000 EP, 4x Power-Feed, 1x Easter challenge sticker
gold challenge -
items required: total 50 Easter eggs, 250 cucumber, 6 chicken eggs, 5 Goat milk
rewards: 1500 EP, 8x powerfeed
diamond challenge -
items required: total 75 easter eggs, 500 cucumber, 10 chicken eggs, 10 Goat's milk
rewards: 2000 EP, 1x Osterhase (Easter Bunny)
Easter Recipes Quest - Step 5 - silver challenge
Easter Sticker for your Sticker-Album
Easter Recipes Quest - Step 5 - diamond challenge
Easter Bunny
--> 50 EP every 6 Hours
2x2 squares
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The Deli (Delicatessen):
step 1 - Noble Jam
When he's not hiding eggs and visiting homes, the Easter Bunny runs his own deli. But since it's Easter right now, he doesn't really have the time to take care of daily business. Help him out and get some fruit and eggs for his store.
silver challenge -
items required: 30 cherries, 30 oranges, 30 yellow-pears, 20 Easter Eggs
rewards: 1500 EP, 10 Super-Grow
gold challenge -
items required: total 70 cherries, 70 oranges, 70 yellow-pears, 40 Easter Eggs (301 BB)
rewards: 2500 EP, 15 Super-Grow
diamond challenge -
items required: total 100 oranges, 100 yellow-pears, 30 almond, 70 Easter Eggs (273 BB)
rewards: 5000 EP, 20 Super-Grow
step 2 - Field Crop
A fine restaurant just put in a big order at the Easter Bunny's deli. They need asparagus, melon and big, juicy blueberries. Gather all the items needed and deliver the order for the Easter Bunny!
silver challenge -
items required: 100 Blueberries, 100 Watermelon, 100 asparagus, 20 Easter Eggs (280 BB)
rewards: 2000 EP, 5 Power-Feed
gold challenge -
items required: total 200 Blueberries, 200 Watermelon, 200 asparagus, 40 Easter Eggs (280 BB)
rewards: 3000 EP, 15 Power-Feed
diamond challenge -
items required: total 300 Blueberries, 300 Watermelon, 300 asparagus, 70 Easter Eggs (300 BB)
rewards: 4000 EP, 20 Power-Feed
step 3 - Animal Deco
That wascally wabbit's got another "eggcellent" job for you. He wants you to pick out your best animals and send them to the Easter Fair for judging.
silver challenge -
items required: 5 bees, 5 ostriches, 20 Easter Eggs (- BB)
rewards: 3000 EP, 3 BB
gold challenge -
items required: total 11 bees, 11 ostriches, 5 donkeys, 40 Easter Eggs (143 BB)
rewards: 4000 EP, 6 BB
diamond challenge -
items required: total 20 ostriches, 5 beavers, 11 donkeys, 70 Easter Eggs (- BB)
rewards: 5000 EP, 12 BB
step 4 - Fill up Shelves
The Eggs-traordinary" delicacies at the Easter Bunny's deli are selling out fast and need to be restocked. Help keep his customers happy and get new supplies for the store now.
silver challenge -
items required: 30 Easter Eggs, 5 Truffles, 5 Koi-Fish, 5 honey ( BB)
rewards: 3500 EP, 1000 CC
gold challenge -
items required: total 60 Easter Eggs, 5 Ostrich Eggs, 11 Koi-Fish, 11 honey (295 BB)
rewards: 4500 EP, 2000 CC
diamond challenge -
items required: total 90 Easter Eggs, 11 Ostrich Eggs, 25 honey, 5 timber (395 BB)
rewards: 5500 EP, 1x Osterhuhn (Easter Chicken)
Delicatessen Quest - Step 4 - diamond challenge
Easter Chicken
--> 60 EP every 8 Hours
1x2 squares
step 5 - Tropical
Level required Bahamarama Lev.5 - 15
The Easter Bunny's got one more job for you. He needs some exotic fruits and veggies for his store. Fly to Bahamarama and get him what he needs as soon as possible!
silver challenge -
items required: 35 Easter Eggs, 20 mangoes, 100 passion-fruit, 20 bananas (108 BB)
rewards: 4000 Bahamarama-EP, 500 PP (Shell Money), 12h harvester-seeder-farmdroid
gold challenge -
items required: total 70 Easter Eggs, 50 mangoes, 100 chilies, 50 bananas (133 BB)
rewards: 5000 Bahamarama-EP, 1000 PP (Shell Money), 12h harvester-seeder-farmdroid
diamond challenge -
items required: total 105 Easter Eggs, 200 chilies, 20 Cocoa-beans, 100 yams (145 BB)
rewards: 6000 Bahamarama-EP, 1500 PP (Shell Money), Osterei-Maschine (Egg Painting Machine)
Delicatessen Quest - Step 5 - diamond challenge
Egg Painting Machine
--> 50 EP every 6 hours
2x2 squares