In the following days some new animals will arrive to our farms. As the title says those animals will be The Camel and The Fox. They are not quite ready yet, but we managed to grab a picture with one of them.
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New animals Camel and Fox!
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

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Next event: "German week!" starting Nov 29
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Being a top country in Europe, and the place where Farmerama was born, Germany has lots of other great thing to offer besides Oktoberfest so be ready to say "Guten Tag" from November 29 to December 5.

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Mediterranean Wine Festival
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Sunday, November 11, 2012
Hi guys,
Rumors say that a new event will arrive to our farms really soon. The event will be called Mediterranean Wine Festival and it is scheduled to start on 12th November 2012 and end on 20th November 2012.
Rumors has it that it will require quite a few grapes so make sure you buy/harvest lots of them.

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Next event is right over the corner
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Saturday, September 15, 2012
So autumn has came, and what is made at this time of year? Yes, your right - wine.
The next event, that will start very soon, will be about wine. and the process of making wine. So my guess, and advice, is to buy/grow lots of grapes, so you may be prepared for when the event will start.
The next event, that will start very soon, will be about wine. and the process of making wine. So my guess, and advice, is to buy/grow lots of grapes, so you may be prepared for when the event will start.

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Scruffy Cat. New Pet? (UPDATED)
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Tuesday, August 14, 2012
A cute little kitten is announced to be introduced in the game. It will most likely be a new Pet.
Take a first look at it:
Take a first look at it:

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New Event, Ramadan?
Farmerama devs published a photo that symbolize the next event. From what it looks like, it seems to be related to the Turkish celebration "Ramadan".
Here's the pic:

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Cotton Candy Tree
Our tree inventory will grow a bit larger soon. The newest addition in Farmerama will be the Cotton Candy Tree. The exact info about this new tree are yet unknown. As soon as they will be available you will find them here.
But this is not all, you wont leave empty haded from this post. We managed to get our hands on a small picture with this sweet Cotton Candy Tree:
But this is not all, you wont leave empty haded from this post. We managed to get our hands on a small picture with this sweet Cotton Candy Tree:

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New Look of the Main Farm soon
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Saturday, August 11, 2012
Howdy Farmers,
There where many request made to the developers of the game, to update the look of the Main Farm. They have listened, and after a lot of work here's what they came up with:
There where many request made to the developers of the game, to update the look of the Main Farm. They have listened, and after a lot of work here's what they came up with:

Chickens Graphical Update
Posted on
Thursday, July 26, 2012
The chickens will be updated in the following dayis. They are cuter and funnier now :)
Here's a preview with them:
Here's a preview with them:

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Mix Delicious Cocktails
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Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Mix Delicious Cocktails is the newest thing available in Farmerama. Is not yet clear if it will be a permanent feature or another Event/Mini-Event.

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CHAT in the near future
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Grate news for us all. The developers had decided that the time has come for Farmerama to get a live chat feature.
From today the feature is being tested in Netherlands and it will soon be launched for every country.
Here's a picture with the live chat concept:
From today the feature is being tested in Netherlands and it will soon be launched for every country.
Here's a picture with the live chat concept:

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Upcoming easter events
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Collect Easter eggs on your farm and help Bugs Bunny to fill the baskets for the children on the farm
Easter is almost here and Bugs Bunny™ will be acting as the chief Easter Bunny to make sure that all of the farm citizens have festive baskets, filled with delicious eggs, to look forward to.
It’s a good thing he has the strong support of Helene the Hen. But what‘s this?! The underhanded Daffy Duck™ has stolen the eggs and hidden them all over the city?
Easter is almost here and Bugs Bunny™ will be acting as the chief Easter Bunny to make sure that all of the farm citizens have festive baskets, filled with delicious eggs, to look forward to.
It’s a good thing he has the strong support of Helene the Hen. But what‘s this?! The underhanded Daffy Duck™ has stolen the eggs and hidden them all over the city?

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New Rainbow Chicken Pet rummor
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Sunday, March 18, 2012
Rumors say that in a short time we will have a new pet at our farm. The name of the new pet will, probably, be Rainbow Chicken. For now it is not clear if this will be a new normal pet, or an addition to the Chicken Breeding feature.
Here are some more pics with the new pet...

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Skunks pens
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Thursday, March 15, 2012
It's "smells" like a new animal stable is about to be implemented in Farmerama. As you may have wondered, Skunks are quite popular animals and they deserve a place in farmerama for sure... Most likely they will be implemented on Bahamarama, because they are not domestic animals... but who knows...
Here are exclusive footage with the skunks pen:
Here are exclusive footage with the skunks pen:

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New Country event is coming soon
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012
All we can get our hand on about the next event is a picture. Rumors say that the this event will be a "Country Event"... Can you guess which Country will be celebrated at our farm ?
Here's the picture:
Here's the picture:

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