Here is some info that you may find useful regarding the Moonlight Mania events:
Q: What is Moonlight Mania
A: This is a special event that was first introduced around Halloween. The event will reappear with each Full Moon, and will be announced in the Official Announcements.
A: This is a special event that was first introduced around Halloween. The event will reappear with each Full Moon, and will be announced in the Official Announcements.
Q: How does the Moonlight Mania work?
A: Once the event is active you will have the the ability to change your farm into night mode by clicking on the pumpkin as illustrated here:
If you do not see the pumpkin at the beginning of the Event, you may need to refresh your screen (F5-key) or log out, clear your browser cache, and log back in.
Only the "empty" acres that you have on your Main Farm will be available for planting Spooky Crops when you switch to night mode.

There are special crops that you can only grow in night mode. You can not purchase these crops as they are given automatically.
A: Once the event is active you will have the the ability to change your farm into night mode by clicking on the pumpkin as illustrated here:
If you do not see the pumpkin at the beginning of the Event, you may need to refresh your screen (F5-key) or log out, clear your browser cache, and log back in.
Only the "empty" acres that you have on your Main Farm will be available for planting Spooky Crops when you switch to night mode.
There are special crops that you can only grow in night mode. You can not purchase these crops as they are given automatically.
Q: How will I get the Spooky crops to plant?
A: Every new player will receive several units of each special crop (again, if you don't see these, please log out, clear your browser cache and log back in).
Remember that if you turn in all of a a crop in Jack's Shop, you cannot purchase more.
If you were playing during the previous Moonlight Mania Event, your crops will have returned to inventory, where you'll find them for the next event.
List of Special Crops:
A: Every new player will receive several units of each special crop (again, if you don't see these, please log out, clear your browser cache and log back in).
Remember that if you turn in all of a a crop in Jack's Shop, you cannot purchase more.
If you were playing during the previous Moonlight Mania Event, your crops will have returned to inventory, where you'll find them for the next event.
List of Special Crops:
Vampire Tomatoes
Harvest Time : 10 min
with water: 7 min
Gives: 1 EP/large acre
Monster Pumpkins
Harvest Time : 45 min
with water : 36 min
Gives: 4 EP /large acre
Harvest Time: 2 h
with water : 1h 36
Gives: 12 EP / large acre
Harvest Time : 4 h
with water : 3h 12min
Gives: 24 EP / large acre
Harvest Time : 6 h
with water : 4h48
Gives: 36 EP / large acre
Q: What is Jack's Shop?
A: Jack's Shop is a special place only accessible during Moonlight Mania and when you in Night Mode. This is where you can trade in crops for special prizes only available there. If you hover your mouse over each prize it will give you a description of what does and will also show you the requirements for each prize.

You will also see a countdown clock which shows the time until the end of Moonlight Mania (this may require regular refreshing F5 to see the correct time)

A: Jack's Shop is a special place only accessible during Moonlight Mania and when you in Night Mode. This is where you can trade in crops for special prizes only available there. If you hover your mouse over each prize it will give you a description of what does and will also show you the requirements for each prize.
You will also see a countdown clock which shows the time until the end of Moonlight Mania (this may require regular refreshing F5 to see the correct time)
Q; What happens once I win my prize?
A: Your prizes will show up in your inventory. IF they are decorations, they will appear under the decoration (flower) tab. You may have to browse through the submenu to find the decoration that you are looking for. Spooky animal pens will appear under the animal button of your menu. There you will need to select the cow with the orange arrow to find the special pen.
A: Your prizes will show up in your inventory. IF they are decorations, they will appear under the decoration (flower) tab. You may have to browse through the submenu to find the decoration that you are looking for. Spooky animal pens will appear under the animal button of your menu. There you will need to select the cow with the orange arrow to find the special pen.
Q: Does Super Grow work on the special Crops?
A: Yes you will see the normal time reduction if you use Super Grow, reducing the harvest time by 50%. Water will reduce the time by 20% as normal.
A: Yes you will see the normal time reduction if you use Super Grow, reducing the harvest time by 50%. Water will reduce the time by 20% as normal.
Q: Can you buy or sell the special crops on the market?
A: No, these items are restricted as they are specialty crops and only available during this event.
A: No, these items are restricted as they are specialty crops and only available during this event.
Q: Which fields can I use for Moonlight Mania?
A: You can only plant the special crops on the Main Field.
Main Farm switched to Night mode:

Main Farm switched to Normal mode:

A: You can only plant the special crops on the Main Field.
Main Farm switched to Night mode:
Main Farm switched to Normal mode:
Q: Can I use my prizes during non Moonlight Mania times?
A: Yes all the prizes that you win can be used during normal game play. They are not restricted to certain times or Night mode use only.
Q: How can I harvest my last crops after the end of Moonlight Mania?
A: Just refresh your page (F5-key) to bring your crops into Daytime Mode. Then you can harvest them when they're ready.
Q: Can I hire Suzy to spray my Moonlight Mania Spooky Crops?
A: Yes. Suzy's spraying will also work on Spooky Crops. How does Suzy spraying your fields work? Once you hire Suzy to spray a field (this will cost you 3 AirMiles per field/tree), which is done by selecting the plot and clicking on the propeller symbol, you will receive additional crop yields (+2 crops per acre) as well as extra 50% EP. Fields sprayed by Suzy will have a glitter/shimmer effect on them.
Here are each of the prizes:
Moonlight Mania Photo Frame:
This will give you the ability to add a spooky frame to your farm pictures. Once you have won it you will need to go to the Tourist Office in the city and select the frame. It is indicated by clicking on the skull icon in the lower left side. Once you have added the frame you will need to take a new picture for it to show to others.
This will give you the ability to add a spooky frame to your farm pictures. Once you have won it you will need to go to the Tourist Office in the city and select the frame. It is indicated by clicking on the skull icon in the lower left side. Once you have added the frame you will need to take a new picture for it to show to others.
Bat Roost:
(only available from level 10)

(only available from level 10)
Required to win this item: 750 BoneTrees, 1000 Tombstones, 1250 Ghosts
Here are the harvest times for the Bat Roost:
- 16 hours with normal food
- 12 hours 48 minutes with water
- 8 hours with SuperFeed
- 6 hours 24 minutes with water and SuperFeed.
- 16 hours with normal food
- 12 hours 48 minutes with water
- 8 hours with SuperFeed
- 6 hours 24 minutes with water and SuperFeed.
Food Required for bats:
5 apples
5 plums
5 apples
5 plums
You can buy and sell bats on the market along with their food.
Experience Points (EP) : 80
CC Value for Quests/Market : 220
CC Value for Quests/Market : 220
Requires:750 Vampire Tomatoes, 650 Monster Pumpkins, 300 BoneTrees
Awards 30 EP every 6 hours
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Haunted Oak:
Requires: 550 Vampire Tomatoes, 550 Monster pumpkins, 550 BoneTrees
Awards 25 EP every 5 hours.
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The Pig Witch:
Requires: 1200 Vampire Tomatoes, 550 Monster Pumpkins, 400 BoneTrees, 50 Tombstones
Awards 35 EP every 6 hours.
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Large Sludge Pond:
Requires: 350 Monster Pumpkins, 400 BoneTrees, 400 Tombstones, 350 Ghosts
Awards 100 EP every 12 hours.
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Small Sludge Pond:
Requires: 800 Vampire Tomatoes, 400 Monster Pumpkins, 400 BoneTrees, 100 Tombstones
Rewards 15 EP every 6 hours
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Requires: 200 BoneTrees, 200 Tombstones, 200 Ghosts
Awards 60EP every 6 hours
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Large Slime Volcano:
Requires: 200 Vampire Tomatoes, 200 BoneTrees, 500 Tombstones, 800 Ghosts
Awards 150 EP every 12 hours.
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Eerie Elm:
Requires: 300 Vampire Tomatoes, 300 Monster Pumpkins, 300 Tombstones, 50 Ghosts
Awards 20 EP every 3 hours
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Requires: 550 Monster Pumpkins, 550 BoneTrees, 550 Tombstones
Awards 10 EP every 30 Minutes
- - - - -
New Permenant Items in Jack's Shop
(during Moonlight Mania Event)
Toxic Toadstool

1 square
Gives 15EP / 1 hour
• vampire tomatoes: 0
• monster pumpkins: 500
• Bonetrees: 500
• Tombstones: 300
• Ghosts: 0
The Well of Doom

1 square
Gives: 35EP / 5 hours
• vampire tomato: 300
• monster pumpkins: 400
• Bonetrees: 500
• Tombstones: 600
• ghosts: 0
Jack the Scarecrow

1 square
Fives: 60EP / 6 Hours
• vampire tomato: 1000
• monster Pumpkins: 1000
• Bonetrees: 1000
• Tombstones: 1000
• ghost 1000
Skull Candle

1 square
Gives: 25EP / 2hours
• vampire tomatoes: 500
• monster pumpkins: 500
• Bonetrees: 500
• Tombstones: 400
• Ghosts: 100
Spooky Spider

2 squares
Gives: 80EP / 12-hour
• vampire tomatoes: 0
• monster Pumpkins: 1500
• Bonetrees: 1000
• Tombstones: 250
• Ghosts: 100
Dracula bunny

1 square
Gives: 65EP / 9 hours
• vampire tomatoes: 250
• monster pumpkins: 500
• Bonetrees: 1000
• Tombstones: 1500
• Ghosts: 1750
New Permenant Items in Jack's Shop
(during Moonlight Mania Event)
Toxic Toadstool
1 square
Gives 15EP / 1 hour
• vampire tomatoes: 0
• monster pumpkins: 500
• Bonetrees: 500
• Tombstones: 300
• Ghosts: 0
The Well of Doom
1 square
Gives: 35EP / 5 hours
• vampire tomato: 300
• monster pumpkins: 400
• Bonetrees: 500
• Tombstones: 600
• ghosts: 0
Jack the Scarecrow
1 square
Fives: 60EP / 6 Hours
• vampire tomato: 1000
• monster Pumpkins: 1000
• Bonetrees: 1000
• Tombstones: 1000
• ghost 1000
Skull Candle
1 square
Gives: 25EP / 2hours
• vampire tomatoes: 500
• monster pumpkins: 500
• Bonetrees: 500
• Tombstones: 400
• Ghosts: 100
Spooky Spider
2 squares
Gives: 80EP / 12-hour
• vampire tomatoes: 0
• monster Pumpkins: 1500
• Bonetrees: 1000
• Tombstones: 250
• Ghosts: 100
Dracula bunny
1 square
Gives: 65EP / 9 hours
• vampire tomatoes: 250
• monster pumpkins: 500
• Bonetrees: 1000
• Tombstones: 1500
• Ghosts: 1750
Special Gifts you can send during Moonlight Mania Events:
reward: 15 EP every 30 minutes (30x)
Skull Bucket
reward: 30 EP every hour (15x)
- - - Spooky Pens- - -
a.k.a. "Moonlight upgrades" in Jack's Shop
These are stand-alone production pens
a.k.a. "Moonlight upgrades" in Jack's Shop
These are stand-alone production pens
* Which Spooky pens are available to be exchanged for spooky crops?
- Animals which DO have a production pen
- Animals which do NOT have coloured breeding (chicken, rabbit, sheep, cow)
Which leaves, at this moment:
* What are the requirements for getting a Spooky pen?Quote:
- Spooky Goat pen
- Spooky Duck pond
- Spooky Horse Stable
- Spooky Fish Pond
- Spooky Ostrich Pen
Requirements for each Spooky Production Pen:
900 Vampire Tomatoes, 900 Monster Pumpkins, 900 BoneTrees, 900 Tombstones, 900 Ghosts
You will be able to select a spooky production pen of your choice from the list in Jack's Shop.* What is the advantage of a Spooky Pen?
Once you've "bought" it, you'll find it in the "animal" tab, in the Inventory tab on the left of your farm.
The spooky pens will work 10% faster than a normal production pen.
- - - - - -
The following stats are to inform you about ALL the spooky pens.
It does NOT mean that these are or will be available in the future!
Spooky Production Pens
produce the same items as regular Production Pens,
these can be sold at the Market, or used to deliver FarmHouse Orders
(i.e. Spooky Chicken Coop produces 1 Egg,
Spooky Rabbit Hutch produces 1 Angora Wool, etc.)

The following stats are to inform you about ALL the spooky pens.
It does NOT mean that these are or will be available in the future!
Spooky Production Pens
produce the same items as regular Production Pens,
these can be sold at the Market, or used to deliver FarmHouse Orders
(i.e. Spooky Chicken Coop produces 1 Egg,
Spooky Rabbit Hutch produces 1 Angora Wool, etc.)
Spooky chicken coop = Egg Farm
reward: 140 EP
produces: 1 egg
Time required: 21h 35m
with water: 17h 16m
with power-feed: 10h 48
with power-feed and water: 8h 39
reward: 140 EP
produces: 1 egg
Time required: 21h 35m
with water: 17h 16m
with power-feed: 10h 48
with power-feed and water: 8h 39
Spooky rabbit hutch = Shearing Shed (rabbit)
reward: 140 EP
produces: 1 angora wool
Time required: 21h 35m
with water: 17h 16m
with power-feed: 10h 48
with power-feed and water: 8h 39
reward: 140 EP
produces: 1 angora wool
Time required: 21h 35m
with water: 17h 16m
with power-feed: 10h 48
with power-feed and water: 8h 39
Spooky goat pen = Goat Dairy
reward: 140 EP
produces: 1 goat's milk
Time required: 21h 35m
with water: 17h 16m
with power-feed: 10h 48
with power-feed and water: 8h 39
reward: 140 EP
produces: 1 goat's milk
Time required: 21h 35m
with water: 17h 16m
with power-feed: 10h 48
with power-feed and water: 8h 39
Spooky Duck Pond = Down Feather collector
reward: 210 EP
produces: 1 down feathers
Time required: 32h 24m
with water: 25h 55m
with power-feed: 16h 12m
with power-feed and water: 15h 58
reward: 210 EP
produces: 1 down feathers
Time required: 32h 24m
with water: 25h 55m
with power-feed: 16h 12m
with power-feed and water: 15h 58
Spooky sheep pen = Shearing Shed (sheep)
reward: 210 EP
produces: 1 sheep's wool
Time required: 32h 24m
with water: 25h 55m
with power-feed: 16h 12m
with power-feed and water: 15h58
reward: 210 EP
produces: 1 sheep's wool
Time required: 32h 24m
with water: 25h 55m
with power-feed: 16h 12m
with power-feed and water: 15h58
Spooky cowshed = Cow Dairy
reward: 140 EP
produces: 1 milk
Time required: 21h 35m
with water: 17h 16m
with power-feed: 10h 48
with power-feed and water: 9h 39
reward: 140 EP
produces: 1 milk
Time required: 21h 35m
with water: 17h 16m
with power-feed: 10h 48
with power-feed and water: 9h 39
Spooky horse stable = Rodeo Ranch
reward: 210 EP
produces: 1 riding lesson
Time required: 32h 24m
with water: 25h 55m
with power-feed: 16h 12m
with power-feed and water: 12h 58m
reward: 210 EP
produces: 1 riding lesson
Time required: 32h 24m
with water: 25h 55m
with power-feed: 16h 12m
with power-feed and water: 12h 58m
Spooky fish pond = Koi Fish Pond
reward: 280 EP
produces: 1 koi fish
Time required: 43h 12m
with water: 34h 34m
with power-feed: 21h 36
with power-feed and water: 17h 17m
reward: 280 EP
produces: 1 koi fish
Time required: 43h 12m
with water: 34h 34m
with power-feed: 21h 36
with power-feed and water: 17h 17m
Spooky ostrich pen = Ostrich Egg Farm
reward: 210 EP
produces: 1 ostrich egg
Time required: 32h 24m
with water: 25h 55m
with power-feed: 16h 12m
with power-feed and water:12h 58
reward: 210 EP
produces: 1 ostrich egg
Time required: 32h 24m
with water: 25h 55m
with power-feed: 16h 12m
with power-feed and water:12h 58
- - - - - -

Coloured Bat Breeding
can now also be unlocked via Jack's Shop.
A sneak preview of the "Goo Blaster" effect:
Coloured Bat Breeding
can now also be unlocked via Jack's Shop.
The spooky crops required are:
Which are practically the same amount of spooky crops that were required during the Halloween Event.
(except the 500 candies switched for 1000 monster pumpkins)
Florist Recipes
2 special florist recipes are now available only at Jack's Shop.
2 special florist recipes are now available only at Jack's Shop.
Terrorplant Bouquet
(florist lvl 3)

Effect: 20 % faster grow on all Moonlight-plants; buff duration: 10 h
Spooky plants needed:

Crypt Vase
(florist lvl 2)

Effect: 20 % more EP on all Moonlight plants; buff duration: 10 h.
Spooky plants needed:

(florist lvl 3)
Effect: 20 % faster grow on all Moonlight-plants; buff duration: 10 h
Spooky plants needed:
Crypt Vase
(florist lvl 2)
Effect: 20 % more EP on all Moonlight plants; buff duration: 10 h.
Spooky plants needed:
How often does Moonlight Mania happen?
ReplyDeleteMoonlight Mania is active every time there is a full or almost full moon in real world.
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