Crafting Sale:
Ingame promo: news page and billboard in the city
Read more about Crafting Sale -> here <-
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New Mini-Event:
Mysterious Bahamarama tree Seedlings:
- Start: Saturday, May 5th at 10am CEST
- End: Monday, May 7th at 11am CEST
Ingame promo: news page, event-timer, zeppelin
Read more about how Mysterious Seedlings work -> here <-
The Bahamarama Seedlings will work the same way, except they are only plantable on the Island.
Once you've bought them, they will be visible in your Bahamarama Tree Inventory (NOT on your mainland inventory!!!)
For this very first edition of Tropical Tree Seedlings,
you'll be able to win:
- XL Bahamarama Trees (upto your level)
- XXL Bahamarama Trees (upto your level)
- and maybe the 2 brand new Bahamarama Trees:
Pomegranate & Pistachio

BOTH Events will start in:
BOTH Events will start in:
BOTH Events will end in :
Your Farmerama Team