{FAQ} Mother's Day Event (7 May 2012)

Mother's Day Event

Different countries will have this Mini-Event on various days
Please check the POST to know when the Event will be in your country.
Any countries not mentioned should have the Event on May 13th

* What is special about this event?

  • It only lasts 24 hours.
  • There is NO special Event Crop.
  • There are no Drop items.
  • There are no giftable items.
  • There IS a special Mother's Day Gift Basket that you can offer to other farmers!

* How can I access this Mini-Event?
You'll find the Quest directly in your Farmer's Society Building.
* What are the Quest Requirements?

Mother's Day Quest

Prize Items

Paper Heart

size: 1x1
gives: 232 EP
time: 10 hours

& the Event Sticker:

that you'll find in your Sticker Album (in the Post Office)
you may need to re-arrange some stickers.

* Can I pay with BBs to finish the Quest faster?
Just pass your cursor over the Gold Chest, to see how many BBs it would cost to finish that particular challenge:

make sure your Tooltips are "on" (Farm Settings)
It's also possible to reset/re-start the quest at any moment for 50 BB, by using the "reset" button at the top right of the quest window:

You'll be asked to validate on a pop-up window.

* How can I gift the Mother's Day Present Basket to another farmer?
Firstly, this offer will only be displayed in countries where the Event is running.
The pop-up will be visible after each log-in.

When you've bought the Mother's Day Basket, you'll recieve an Ingame Post Message with a Bonus Code.

The bonus code is to be entered onto the barcode part of the NewsPage.

You can either choose to gift the code to another user, reminding her/him to enter the code on the barcode on the NewsPage,
or, you can use this Bonus Code yourself.

Here are the Contents of the Mother's Day Basket:

  • 200h all harvest helpers (Machinery)
  • 100x Power Feed
  • 200x Super Grow
  • 3 Carrot apple chutney (each gives +2 crops during 18 hours)
  • Costs: 10 Euros (or equivalent in your currency)
  • Buyable multiple times!

Source: Farmerama Official English Forums.
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