Coloured Bat Breeding !
The Coloured Bat Breeding Feature is only exclusively unlockable during the Halloween Event !
You might need to F5 or log-out/log-in to see the bats appear as choice animal in the Breeding Pasture.
In the future, it will be available to be unlocked on regular Moonlight Mania Events.
As soon as we have any further information about this we'll keep you informed.
Note: The TGC members will receive 2 new recipes as they have been informed by email. These will be trade level 2 recipes, and they will appear in a couple of hours/days?
All facts & figures were correct at time of testing.
Please note that these stats could change at any moment...
Bat Breeding - Bat Guano Production
Breeding coloured bats

Albino bat, Brown bat, Hungry bat, Furry bat, Vampire bat, Sporty bat, Rocker bat, Heroic bat
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Please note that these stats could change at any moment...
Bat Breeding - Bat Guano Production
Breeding coloured bats
Albino bat, Brown bat, Hungry bat, Furry bat, Vampire bat, Sporty bat, Rocker bat, Heroic bat
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How to make coloured bats:
Firstly, you must have completed the Halloween Quest (see post above)
which can be started on the Halloween 2011 Event, then probably can be
continued on Moonlight Mania Events (check the Official Announcements
regularly to see when the next ones will be!
You can make some coloured bats in the Pasture as you do for any other animals.
You can make some coloured bats in the Pasture as you do for any other animals.
Select "bats"
Then, choose four bats (from your inventory) and transform them into something NEW: a coloured bat.
MIXING coloured animals RARELY gives good results
NOTE: You will not get the 4 bats back - they go to retirement, and you must then replace them with 4 more bats
Feed them 2 power-feed and validate, then breeding will begin.
(Power-feed can be bought at the green-silo, and/or made in your Mill)
(Power-feed can be bought at the green-silo, and/or made in your Mill)
Normal time = 6 hours
Add pheromones (gifts from neighbours and/or can be purchased in the Store) to reduce production time.
With 1 pheromone = 3 hours
With 2 pheromones = 1,5 hours
With 3 pheromones = 45 minutes
With 4 pheromones = 22 minutes.
Also if you have unlocked the Wisdom Tree Rune, it will reduce the time from 6 to 5 hours
Add pheromones (gifts from neighbours and/or can be purchased in the Store) to reduce production time.
With 1 pheromone = 3 hours
With 2 pheromones = 1,5 hours
With 3 pheromones = 45 minutes
With 4 pheromones = 22 minutes.
Also if you have unlocked the Wisdom Tree Rune, it will reduce the time from 6 to 5 hours
When the NEW bat is made, you'll see a pacifier sign.
Harvest your new bat, and you'll get a pop-up with the new bat that you have produced.

Exchange Value (CCs) for coloured bats:
Albino bat: 1600
Brown bat: 4400
Hungry bat: 14000
Furry bat: 45000
Vampire bat: 140000
Sporty bat: 460000
Rocker bat: 1500000
Heroic bat: 4200000
Harvest your new bat, and you'll get a pop-up with the new bat that you have produced.
Exchange Value (CCs) for coloured bats:
Albino bat: 1600
Brown bat: 4400
Hungry bat: 14000
Furry bat: 45000
Vampire bat: 140000
Sporty bat: 460000
Rocker bat: 1500000
Heroic bat: 4200000
Workshop Items
In the workshop, select the "bat" on the top-left tab, you'll see all the new upgrades for the Bat roost that you can buy in the WorkShop, and upgrades for the Bat Guano Farm
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New Bat Roost + 4 Upgrades
level required: 10
requires feed: 1x bat feed
Gives EP: 80
produces: 1 (normal) bat
time to produce: 16h
with water: 12h48
with power-feed: 8h
with power-feed and water: 6h24m
can be purchased in Jack's Shop during Moonlight Mania Events in exchange for these spooky crops:
requires feed: 1x bat feed
Gives EP: 80
produces: 1 (normal) bat
time to produce: 16h
with water: 12h48
with power-feed: 8h
with power-feed and water: 6h24m
can be purchased in Jack's Shop during Moonlight Mania Events in exchange for these spooky crops:
New Upgrades for Bat Roost
from level 21+
from level 21+
These can be built in the Workshop, in the city,
by donating the required tools.
by donating the required tools.
Once built, you'll find them in the Animal-tab = need to be placed on a normal Bat Roost
These are NOT upgrades to each other.
Each one can be built when you want and placed straight onto a normal Bat Roost (from Jack's Shop)
Each one can be built when you want and placed straight onto a normal Bat Roost (from Jack's Shop)
Bat Roost I : Yellow

Level required:- 21
Tools required: 2 shovels, 5 hammers, 100 wood, 300 nails, 5 Albino bats
requires feed: 1x bat feed
Gives (EP): 85
Produces: 1 (normal) bat
Time required: 10h50
with water: 8h40
with power-feed: 5h25m
with power-feed and water: 4h20m
Tools required: 2 shovels, 5 hammers, 100 wood, 300 nails, 5 Albino bats
requires feed: 1x bat feed
Gives (EP): 85
Produces: 1 (normal) bat
Time required: 10h50
with water: 8h40
with power-feed: 5h25m
with power-feed and water: 4h20m
Bat Roost II - Orange

Level required:- 21
Tools required: 4 shovel, 15 hammers, 300 wood, 900 nails, 4 Hungry bat
requires feed: 1x bat feed
Gives (EP): 249
Produces: 2 (normal) bats
Time required: 16h
with water: 12h48
with power-feed: 8h
with power-feed and water: 6h24m
Tools required: 4 shovel, 15 hammers, 300 wood, 900 nails, 4 Hungry bat
requires feed: 1x bat feed
Gives (EP): 249
Produces: 2 (normal) bats
Time required: 16h
with water: 12h48
with power-feed: 8h
with power-feed and water: 6h24m
Bat Roost III - Red

Level required:- 21
Tools required: 6 shovels, 25 hammers, 500 wood, 1500 nails, 3 Vampire bats
requires feed: 1x bat feed
Gives (EP): 291
Produces: 2 (normal) bats
Time required: 13h40
with water: 10h56
with power-feed: 6h50m
with power-feed and water: 5h28m
Tools required: 6 shovels, 25 hammers, 500 wood, 1500 nails, 3 Vampire bats
requires feed: 1x bat feed
Gives (EP): 291
Produces: 2 (normal) bats
Time required: 13h40
with water: 10h56
with power-feed: 6h50m
with power-feed and water: 5h28m
Bat Roost IV : Pink

Level required:- 21
Tools required: 8 shovels, 35 hammers, 700 wood, 2400 nails, 2 Rocker bats
requires feed: 1x batfeed
Gives (EP): 480
Produces: 3 (normal) bats
Time required 18h
with water: 14h24
with power-feed: 9h
with power-feed and water: 7h12m
Tools required: 8 shovels, 35 hammers, 700 wood, 2400 nails, 2 Rocker bats
requires feed: 1x batfeed
Gives (EP): 480
Produces: 3 (normal) bats
Time required 18h
with water: 14h24
with power-feed: 9h
with power-feed and water: 7h12m
New Bat-Guano Production + 4 upgrades
Level 17+

New Bat-Guano Production + 4 upgrades
Level 17+
Tools required: 15 hammers, 300 wood, 900 nails, 4 machine parts
Gives (EP): 140
Produces: 1 guano
Requires: 1 bat feed AND 1 bat (from Barn)
Time required: 24h
with water: 19h12
with power-feed: 12h
with power-feed and water: 9h36
Gives (EP): 140
Produces: 1 guano
Requires: 1 bat feed AND 1 bat (from Barn)
Time required: 24h
with water: 19h12
with power-feed: 12h
with power-feed and water: 9h36
New Upgrades for Bat Guano Productioin
Level required: 21+
Level required: 21+
Once built, you'll find them in the Animal-tab = they need to be placed on an Bat Guano Production
These are NOT upgrades to each other.
Each one can be built when you want and placed straight onto a normal Bat Guano farm
Each one can be built when you want and placed straight onto a normal Bat Guano farm
Bat-Guano Production I: Yellow

Level required: 21
Tools required: 10 hammers, 200 wood, 600 nails, 4 machine parts, 5 Brown bats
Gives (EP): 148
Produces: 1 bat guano
Requires: 1 bat feed AND 1 bat (from Barn)
Time required: 21h40
with water: 17h40
with power-feed: 10h50
with power-feed and water: 8h50
Tools required: 10 hammers, 200 wood, 600 nails, 4 machine parts, 5 Brown bats
Gives (EP): 148
Produces: 1 bat guano
Requires: 1 bat feed AND 1 bat (from Barn)
Time required: 21h40
with water: 17h40
with power-feed: 10h50
with power-feed and water: 8h50
Bat-Guano Production II - Orange

Level required: 21
Tools required: 6 machine parts, 20 hammers, 400 wood, 1200 nails, 4 Furry bats
Gives (EP): 217
Produces: 1 bat guano
Requires: 1 bat feed AND 1 bat (from Barn)
Time required: 16h
with water: 12h48
with power-feed: 8h
with power-feed and water: 6h24
Tools required: 6 machine parts, 20 hammers, 400 wood, 1200 nails, 4 Furry bats
Gives (EP): 217
Produces: 1 bat guano
Requires: 1 bat feed AND 1 bat (from Barn)
Time required: 16h
with water: 12h48
with power-feed: 8h
with power-feed and water: 6h24
Bat-Guano Production III: Red

Level required: 21
Tools required: 8 machine parts, 30 hammers, 600 wood, 1800 nails, 3 Sporty bat
Gives (EP): 239
Produces: 2 bat guano
Requires: 1 bat feed AND 1 bat (from Barn)
Time required: 13h40
with water: 10h56
with power-feed: 6h50
with power-feed and water: 5h28
Tools required: 8 machine parts, 30 hammers, 600 wood, 1800 nails, 3 Sporty bat
Gives (EP): 239
Produces: 2 bat guano
Requires: 1 bat feed AND 1 bat (from Barn)
Time required: 13h40
with water: 10h56
with power-feed: 6h50
with power-feed and water: 5h28
Bat-Guano Production IV: Pink

Level required:- 21
Tools required: 10 machine parts, 40 hammers, 800 wood, 2400 nails, 2 Heroic bats
Gives (EP): 560
Produces: 2 bat guano
Requires: 1 bat feed AND 1 bat (From Barn)
Time required: 24h
with water: 19h12
with power-feed: 12h
with power-feed and water: 9h36
Tools required: 10 machine parts, 40 hammers, 800 wood, 2400 nails, 2 Heroic bats
Gives (EP): 560
Produces: 2 bat guano
Requires: 1 bat feed AND 1 bat (From Barn)
Time required: 24h
with water: 19h12
with power-feed: 12h
with power-feed and water: 9h36
Bat holding pens
gives EP every 9 hours
depending on which bat/bats (solo pen / group pen) that you put onto it (see below).
Values for each coloured bat:
normal: 1 EP
Albino bat: 5 EP
Brown bat: 10 EP
Hungry bat: 15 EP
Furry bat: 20 EP
Vampire bat: 25 EP
Sporty bat: 30 EP
Rocker bat: 35 EP
Heroic bat: 40 EP
Bat holding pens
gives EP every 9 hours
depending on which bat/bats (solo pen / group pen) that you put onto it (see below).
Values for each coloured bat:
normal: 1 EP
Albino bat: 5 EP
Brown bat: 10 EP
Hungry bat: 15 EP
Furry bat: 20 EP
Vampire bat: 25 EP
Sporty bat: 30 EP
Rocker bat: 35 EP
Heroic bat: 40 EP