Archive for May 2011
{FAQ} Magical Glade, Tree of Wisdom
Everything there is to know about the Tree of Wisdom, Magical Glade and Runes is explained on this page.

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New on Farmerama: Magical Glade, Tree of Wisdom, Stars
Howdy Farmers,
Great things come to those who wait: Farmerama is finally expanding and there are many new wonderful things for you to enjoy such as:

(Please don't ask any questions about the Moose Production Farm, this is just a preview of a future item)
You can unlock this new farming land starting at level 14 and find it on the southern part of map below the main field. The Magical Glade will give you even more room for crops, trees, animal buildings and pastures. It is divided into four sections which can all be unlocked with the Tree of Wisdom.
The magical glade’s different zones are all enchanted and will give you extra EP for harvesting crops and breeding animals! To unlock the Magical Glade and get amazing rewards, all you’ve got to do is follow the instructions below:
Collect stars and use them on the Tree of Wisdom. The more stars you collect, the more Tree of Wisdom secrets you’ll be able to unlock.
Here’s how you can get stars:

In the middle of the magical glade, you’ll find the Tree of Wisdom which will grant you a mountain of marvelous benefits:
How to use your stars on the Tree of Wisdom
- Click on a carving to open up a short description that tells you what secret you can unlock and if you have enough stars for this.
- Click on the “Unlock” button and gain new knowledge.
Different types of carvings
For more information, check out our new video here:
Great things come to those who wait: Farmerama is finally expanding and there are many new wonderful things for you to enjoy such as:
1. The Magical Glade
2. Stars
3. Tree of WisdomThe Magical Glade
(Please don't ask any questions about the Moose Production Farm, this is just a preview of a future item)
You can unlock this new farming land starting at level 14 and find it on the southern part of map below the main field. The Magical Glade will give you even more room for crops, trees, animal buildings and pastures. It is divided into four sections which can all be unlocked with the Tree of Wisdom.
The magical glade’s different zones are all enchanted and will give you extra EP for harvesting crops and breeding animals! To unlock the Magical Glade and get amazing rewards, all you’ve got to do is follow the instructions below:
Collect stars and use them on the Tree of Wisdom. The more stars you collect, the more Tree of Wisdom secrets you’ll be able to unlock.
Here’s how you can get stars:
- Complete challenges and participate in events
- Level up in the game
- Win them on the Wheel of FortuneNow onto the Tree of Wisdom:
In the middle of the magical glade, you’ll find the Tree of Wisdom which will grant you a mountain of marvelous benefits:
- It will expand your farm (by opening up new fields)
- It will teach you valuable skills (e.g. how to breed animals faster)
- It will give you fantastic items with which to decorate your farm and turn it into a beautiful paradise (e.g rare peach trees)You’ll find mysterious carvings on the tree which hold the key to age-old secrets. To unlock secrets, you’ll need to activate carvings by collecting stars.
How to use your stars on the Tree of Wisdom
- Click on a carving to open up a short description that tells you what secret you can unlock and if you have enough stars for this.
- Click on the “Unlock” button and gain new knowledge.
Different types of carvings
- Square carvings for new farming land
- Round carvings for skills
- Diamond shape carvings for itemsDifferent carving colors
- Yellow: This carving is already available for you to use.
- Gray: This carving is isn’t available to you. Unlock the other carvings on the lower levels first. You only need to unlock one carving on a lower level to advance to the next level.Take a look at the tree when it goes live and check out what surprises it has in store for you!
For more information, check out our new video here:

Redesigned Neighbour/Buddy invites
How to Add Neighbours New Look, New Tabs - - - - - The Tutorial page 1 page 2 page 3 - - - - - Adding new neighbours clicking on the Add-Neighbour Icon at the bottom-right, this will open up a popup window with all the neighbour options: The 4 different tabs at the top give various options concerning adding neighbours: The most used option: invite another Farmer: Click on the Buddy-List Icon to invite one Farmer to become your neighbour this will open up your Buddy List: click on that Buddy to invite him/her to become your neighbour. - - - - - Rent-a-friend option This Rent-a-Friend will cost 15 BBs for 30 days. You can then decide to prolong the rented friend for an extra 30 days for only 10 BBs. - - - - - Invite real-life friends to come and play Farmerama: Farmerama now gives you the possibility of iniviting other real-life friends to join Farmerama. By doing so, you'll get rewarded with an EP/CC reward when the new friend registers! You'll also get rewarded when 5 new players that you invited reach level 7! On the 2nd tab, you'll see the different real-life friends have accepted your invitation, or still pending, and those that have started playing, seeing also which level they have reached. Happy Neighbour hunting |

New World Map
Starting today, Farmerama proudly presents a new update. This update will simplify the movement between the farm, city, green meadow, park and the island.
All the signs that were until now at the farm are gone, and there is only one sign left that says "Farm map" and you will find it on all the location mentioned above
In the image below you have this new sign and the message that appears when you put the mouse in it.
If you click the sign, a map will appear, like the one below, this map contains all the locations that you have access to, based on the current level you have.

Map description:
The Farm
Clicking on this image on the map, will take you to The Farm, no matter where you are when you click on it.

The City
Clicking on this image on the map, will take you to The City, no matter where you are when you click on it.

Green Meadow
- access to The Green Meadow is granted starting with level 17-
Clicking on this image on the map, will take you to The Green Meadow, no matter where you are when you click on it.

The Park
- accesss The Park is granted on level 25 -
Clicking on this image on the map, will take you to The Park, no matter where you are when you click on it.

Bahamarama Island
- access to Bahamarama is granted when you have enough miles -
Clicking on this image on the map, will take you to Bahamarama, no matter where you are when you click on it.

Iată cum funcţionează această hartă:
All the signs that were until now at the farm are gone, and there is only one sign left that says "Farm map" and you will find it on all the location mentioned above
In the image below you have this new sign and the message that appears when you put the mouse in it.
If you click the sign, a map will appear, like the one below, this map contains all the locations that you have access to, based on the current level you have.
Map description:
The Farm
Clicking on this image on the map, will take you to The Farm, no matter where you are when you click on it.
The City
Clicking on this image on the map, will take you to The City, no matter where you are when you click on it.
Green Meadow
- access to The Green Meadow is granted starting with level 17-
Clicking on this image on the map, will take you to The Green Meadow, no matter where you are when you click on it.
The Park
- accesss The Park is granted on level 25 -
Clicking on this image on the map, will take you to The Park, no matter where you are when you click on it.
Bahamarama Island
- access to Bahamarama is granted when you have enough miles -
Clicking on this image on the map, will take you to Bahamarama, no matter where you are when you click on it.
Iată cum funcţionează această hartă:

Mysterious Item
Howdy Farmers!
From about 10am CEST Saturday May 14th
until about 10am CEST Monday May 16th
(= 48 hours), you'll be able to buy a new mysterious seedling item from the Supply Store.

This item can be purchased for 5 BBs. Once placed on your Main Farm or Green Meadow it will transform and turn into a random tree.
It might become a Gold Leaf Tree XL or XXL upgrade, or another rare tree, or even a totally new type of tree.
Here are 3 examples of what you could get:

Please don't ask any questions about it, it's a mystery, and we prefer to keep the suspense about it.
source: official farmerama forum
From about 10am CEST Saturday May 14th
until about 10am CEST Monday May 16th
(= 48 hours), you'll be able to buy a new mysterious seedling item from the Supply Store.
This item can be purchased for 5 BBs. Once placed on your Main Farm or Green Meadow it will transform and turn into a random tree.
It might become a Gold Leaf Tree XL or XXL upgrade, or another rare tree, or even a totally new type of tree.
Here are 3 examples of what you could get:
Please don't ask any questions about it, it's a mystery, and we prefer to keep the suspense about it.
source: official farmerama forum

Mother's Day on the Farm
Farmerama invites you to celebrate
Mother's Day!
This Event lasts 48 hours
Start Time and End Time are announced on the Official Announcements
Start Time and End Time are announced on the Official Announcements
The Event place in the City:

will take you to the Farmers' Society Building.
will take you to the Farmers' Society Building.
You'll find 1 new Quest in Farmers' Society Building.
It has 5 steps and each step has 3 challenges:
(silver - gold - diamond)
- - - - -
For this Event, you can plant pink and white roses.
Each player (over level 5) will receive 3 seeds of each sort!
Pink and White roses take 8 hours to grow, and give 80 EP for a large acre.
Additional seeds will NOT be available in the Seed Shop!
If you have less than 3 seeds, every hour this will be automatically checked, and you'll receive 3 extra seeds.
Tip: Do not donate ALL your roses to the Quest,
first plant some roses, then donate to the Quest.
If you donate them all, you'll have to wait 1-2 hours to receive 3 new free seeds.
- - - - -
You can only deliver items for the actual challenge you are on
(i.e. if you are doing the silver challenge, you can only deliver items for the silver challenge until it is completed, not for the gold or the diamond)
- - - - -
You can go back down to the previous levels to finish the Gold and Diamond challenges, by using the small green arrows at the top left corner of the quest window
- - - - -
For lower level players, or those who do not have the required level to produce or buy some of the required items, you can purchase these items directly on the Quest window, by clicking on this icon on the right (hover over the icon to see how many BBs it will cost to complete the challenge you are on):

This is ONLY possible IF you have the required level on the Silver Challenges.
- - - - -
step 1 -
With Mother's Day coming soon, there's no better way to show your mom you care than with a homemade cake. Use your fresh country ingredients to whip up something nice!
silver challenge: Level 4 (24 BB)
items required: 100 wheat, 100 oats 12 white roses
reward: 300 EP, 600 CC
gold challenge: Level 4 (88 BB)
items required: total 300 wheat, 1000 carrots, 5 chicken eggs, 24 white roses
reward: 2000 EP, 2500 CC
diamond challenge: Level 56 (205 BB)
items required: total 1000 wheat, 5 ostric eggs, 50 cherries, 36 white roses
reward: 3000 EP, 5000 CC
step 2 -
Moms love listening to their children's angelic voices. That's why the country kids have composed a special song to perform with the other farm animals. Help the lambs, calves, baby goats and donkeys practice!
silver challenge: level 10 (40 BB)
items required: 5 sheep, 10 goats, 12 pink roses
reward: 800 EP, 1000 CC
gold challenge: Level 20 (75 BB)
items required: total 15 sheep, 25 goats, 5 cows, 24 pink roses
reward: 1800 EP, 2000 CC
diamond challenge: Level 60 (116 BB)
items required: total 30 sheep, 15 cows, 5 donkeys, 36 pink roses
reward: 2500 EP, 3000 CC, 15x Power-Feed
step 3 -
This year the #1 gifts moms wish most are hand-painted pieces of art. Paint something extra special and help the moms spruce up their country homesteads this spring.
silver challenge: Level 10 (33 BB)
items required: 12 apples, 4 plums, 12 white roses
reward: 800 EP, 1200 CC
gold challenge: Level 10 (39 BB)
items required: total 24 apples, 12 plums, 24 white roses
reward: 1500 EP, 2000 CC
diamond challenge: Level 32 (357 BB)
items required: total 100 oranges, 50 cherries, 2 color palettes, 36 white roses.
reward: 6000 EP, 6000 CC, 100 airmiles
step 4 -
Mother's Day bouquets are the perfect way to make moms smile. Gather bright, beautiful flowers and make a pretty floral arrangements. Their smiles will stretch from ear to ear!
silver challenge: Level 4 (23 BB)
items required: 100 sunflowers, 12 pink roses
reward: 500 EP, 300 CC, 1x Mother's Day Sticker

gold challenge: Level 24 (51 BB)
items required: total 250 sunflowers, 100 bluebells, 24 pink roses
reward: 1500 EP, 500 CC, 50 Airmiles
diamond challenge: Level 36 (128 BB)
items required: total 500 sunflowers, 300 bluebells, 100 tulips, 36 pink roses
reward: 6000 EP, 2500 CC, 100 Airmiles
step 5 -
Now that you've got all your gifts together, all you need to do is wrap up 'em up. Only problem is the supply store's sold out. No problem! Just improvise and make your own from different farm items.
silver challenge: Level 4 (59 BB)
items required: 150 hay, 150 corn, 2 chicken eggs, 24 white roses
reward: 1500 EP, 500 CC
gold challenge: Level 34 (162 BB)
items required: total 250 cabbage, 250 hops, 1 color palette, 36 pink roses
reward: 3500 EP, 1000 CC, 5x Super-Grow, Prize item: Happy Momma Sheep
Prize item: Happy Momma Sheep

gives 60 EP every 8 hours
diamond challenge: Level 52 (482 BB)
items required: total 250 pumpkins, 250 canola, 2 truffles, 48 pink roses
reward: 15000 EP, 10000 CC, 10x Super-Grow
It has 5 steps and each step has 3 challenges:
(silver - gold - diamond)
- - - - -
For this Event, you can plant pink and white roses.
Each player (over level 5) will receive 3 seeds of each sort!
Pink and White roses take 8 hours to grow, and give 80 EP for a large acre.
Additional seeds will NOT be available in the Seed Shop!
If you have less than 3 seeds, every hour this will be automatically checked, and you'll receive 3 extra seeds.
Tip: Do not donate ALL your roses to the Quest,
first plant some roses, then donate to the Quest.
If you donate them all, you'll have to wait 1-2 hours to receive 3 new free seeds.
- - - - -
You can only deliver items for the actual challenge you are on
(i.e. if you are doing the silver challenge, you can only deliver items for the silver challenge until it is completed, not for the gold or the diamond)
- - - - -
You can go back down to the previous levels to finish the Gold and Diamond challenges, by using the small green arrows at the top left corner of the quest window
- - - - -
For lower level players, or those who do not have the required level to produce or buy some of the required items, you can purchase these items directly on the Quest window, by clicking on this icon on the right (hover over the icon to see how many BBs it will cost to complete the challenge you are on):
This is ONLY possible IF you have the required level on the Silver Challenges.
- - - - -
step 1 -
With Mother's Day coming soon, there's no better way to show your mom you care than with a homemade cake. Use your fresh country ingredients to whip up something nice!
silver challenge: Level 4 (24 BB)
items required: 100 wheat, 100 oats 12 white roses
reward: 300 EP, 600 CC
gold challenge: Level 4 (88 BB)
items required: total 300 wheat, 1000 carrots, 5 chicken eggs, 24 white roses
reward: 2000 EP, 2500 CC
diamond challenge: Level 56 (205 BB)
items required: total 1000 wheat, 5 ostric eggs, 50 cherries, 36 white roses
reward: 3000 EP, 5000 CC
step 2 -
Moms love listening to their children's angelic voices. That's why the country kids have composed a special song to perform with the other farm animals. Help the lambs, calves, baby goats and donkeys practice!
silver challenge: level 10 (40 BB)
items required: 5 sheep, 10 goats, 12 pink roses
reward: 800 EP, 1000 CC
gold challenge: Level 20 (75 BB)
items required: total 15 sheep, 25 goats, 5 cows, 24 pink roses
reward: 1800 EP, 2000 CC
diamond challenge: Level 60 (116 BB)
items required: total 30 sheep, 15 cows, 5 donkeys, 36 pink roses
reward: 2500 EP, 3000 CC, 15x Power-Feed
step 3 -
This year the #1 gifts moms wish most are hand-painted pieces of art. Paint something extra special and help the moms spruce up their country homesteads this spring.
silver challenge: Level 10 (33 BB)
items required: 12 apples, 4 plums, 12 white roses
reward: 800 EP, 1200 CC
gold challenge: Level 10 (39 BB)
items required: total 24 apples, 12 plums, 24 white roses
reward: 1500 EP, 2000 CC
diamond challenge: Level 32 (357 BB)
items required: total 100 oranges, 50 cherries, 2 color palettes, 36 white roses.
reward: 6000 EP, 6000 CC, 100 airmiles
step 4 -
Mother's Day bouquets are the perfect way to make moms smile. Gather bright, beautiful flowers and make a pretty floral arrangements. Their smiles will stretch from ear to ear!
silver challenge: Level 4 (23 BB)
items required: 100 sunflowers, 12 pink roses
reward: 500 EP, 300 CC, 1x Mother's Day Sticker
gold challenge: Level 24 (51 BB)
items required: total 250 sunflowers, 100 bluebells, 24 pink roses
reward: 1500 EP, 500 CC, 50 Airmiles
diamond challenge: Level 36 (128 BB)
items required: total 500 sunflowers, 300 bluebells, 100 tulips, 36 pink roses
reward: 6000 EP, 2500 CC, 100 Airmiles
step 5 -
Now that you've got all your gifts together, all you need to do is wrap up 'em up. Only problem is the supply store's sold out. No problem! Just improvise and make your own from different farm items.
silver challenge: Level 4 (59 BB)
items required: 150 hay, 150 corn, 2 chicken eggs, 24 white roses
reward: 1500 EP, 500 CC
gold challenge: Level 34 (162 BB)
items required: total 250 cabbage, 250 hops, 1 color palette, 36 pink roses
reward: 3500 EP, 1000 CC, 5x Super-Grow, Prize item: Happy Momma Sheep
Prize item: Happy Momma Sheep
gives 60 EP every 8 hours
diamond challenge: Level 52 (482 BB)
items required: total 250 pumpkins, 250 canola, 2 truffles, 48 pink roses
reward: 15000 EP, 10000 CC, 10x Super-Grow
source: official farmerama forum

How to get the Blue Farmer Sheep Tractor
This guide will show you how to get the "Farmer Sheep". Here are the steps you must follow:
Access this site:
Click on the "Nu Downloaden" image:
After that, press "Save" and save it where you wish:
After you downloaded the Toolbar, go ahead and install it. Make sure you are not connected at farmerama when you install the toolbar
After the install is done, restart Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
You will see a new Toolbar that looks like this:
Now press the red button and a window like this will appear:
Now press on : Account toevoegen!
Then login with your farmerama username. It will look like this:
Now press on "Bonus Scoren" and a window will appear:
Now at "Inlogbonus" section press "Speel nu mee" button. You will be automatically logged in on your account , and at the inventory menu you will see the "Farm Sheep" tractor
It gives 90 EP every 10 hours!
After you have the tractor on your farm, you can uninstall the toolbar.
Have fun, and happy farming !!!

Mother’s Day on the farm
Howdy Farmers,
Mother’s Day is coming – so roll up your sleeves ‘cuz there’s lots to do: There are cakes to bake, flowers to pick and pictures to paint!.

From May 7-8, 2011 we’ll be putting on a small FARMERAMA event to celebrate moms:
The country kids are filled with excitement and can’t wait to present their mothers with beautiful surprises. Help ‘em complete the new “Gifts for moms” challenges and make it a memorable day for every farm mom!
For all your hard work this Mother’s Day, you’ll get your very own Mother’s Day sticker and an exclusive Mother’s Day reward.
Have fun and to all mothers: Happy Mother’s Day!
source: official farmerama forum
Mother’s Day is coming – so roll up your sleeves ‘cuz there’s lots to do: There are cakes to bake, flowers to pick and pictures to paint!.
From May 7-8, 2011 we’ll be putting on a small FARMERAMA event to celebrate moms:
The country kids are filled with excitement and can’t wait to present their mothers with beautiful surprises. Help ‘em complete the new “Gifts for moms” challenges and make it a memorable day for every farm mom!
For all your hard work this Mother’s Day, you’ll get your very own Mother’s Day sticker and an exclusive Mother’s Day reward.
Have fun and to all mothers: Happy Mother’s Day!
source: official farmerama forum

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Gifts for moms,
Mother’s Day sticker,
mothers day
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Happy Tree Day: May 4th 2011
Howdy Farmers!
At midday has begun a Happy Tree Day, you can read about this on the news page.
5x EPs when harvesting your trees
Get an extra tree XXL Upgrade when one is bought in the Supply Store.
Source: official farmerama forum

Celebrate a royal wedding in true country style
Howdy Farmers!
On April 29-30, 2011, we're celebrating the wedding of Prince William and his sweet Katie.
The wedding preparations are already underway, but we still need your help. That's why we want all farmers from level 4+ to pitch in and get things done.
Decorate your farm with beautiful floral arrangements by completing the new“Wedding bouquet” challenge series, or take on the “Wedding march”challenges and organize a royal procession to the church. In return, you'll receive many royal-inspired items!
An occasion like this only comes around once in a lifetime. Be there when the royal couple ties the knot and benefit from bountiful harvests.
May the royal couple live happily ever after!
On April 29-30, 2011, we're celebrating the wedding of Prince William and his sweet Katie.
The wedding preparations are already underway, but we still need your help. That's why we want all farmers from level 4+ to pitch in and get things done.
Decorate your farm with beautiful floral arrangements by completing the new“Wedding bouquet” challenge series, or take on the “Wedding march”challenges and organize a royal procession to the church. In return, you'll receive many royal-inspired items!
An occasion like this only comes around once in a lifetime. Be there when the royal couple ties the knot and benefit from bountiful harvests.
May the royal couple live happily ever after!

Money making guide
Well i will teach you some tricks on how to make money easily.
The crops
The most efficient way to make money with crops is to sow and sell lettuce, carrots, or hay. Don't waste your time with any other crops because they don't wort it... The downside of selling lettuce, carrots and hay is the production time, they are done in short times (5, 10, 25 min) and if you want to make money with them, you have to have a lot of free time to stay on the farm. So this is not such a practical solution, for everyone, to make money.
As a side note to this method: If you need to buy carrots, lettuce or hay, don't buy them from the market. Buy them from the seed shop because they are cheaper there.
The animals
The best way to make money is with the animals. Go on the market and see what animals sell with the top price and then fill your farm with animal pens. Now (and usually all the time) the rabbits are the top sellers so go fill your farm with rabbit pens. They have a petty good production time (6.30h without water) and you can produce about 3 rounds per day, thats about 200+ rabbits to sell, that means 108x200= 21600 CC/day = 151200 CC/week.
Production pens
Another good source of money is the production pens. Don't waste your toolbox items on useless production pens. The top selling products are "Angora wool" and, recently, "Sheep wool". The reason that they sell and will sell at top prices, is the fact that there are missions involved at "The Farmers Society". So go ahead and build only rabbit and sheep "Shearing Sheds"
OK, so now you know how to make money, but you have to spend them wisely or you will lose them faster then you can make them. Here are some tips on how to spend your money:
- don't water your crops/animals. A tank of water costs 122 CC, and it may seem that is a cheep, but don't get fooled... those 122 CC add's up and you will spend a lot of money on water... If you really can't play without watering plants/animals, is a better deal to buy 15-20 small water tanks from the "Supply store", one tank costs only 250 CC and will give you 5 units of water every 12 hours, and you will never need to buy water. The downside is that it uses space on your farm, that can otherwise be used, maybe, more efficiently... but you can but them in the park and your ready to go ..
-don't buy crops and animal feed. Produce your own feed. The mill has to work 24/7. You need just a few large acres to produce crops for animal feed, 10 acres will do..
- don't deliver the orders that came on your Farmhouse, 95% of them give you crap prices compared to what you will get at the market. So pay attention and analyze the orders that comes on your Farmhouse before you consider delivering them.
Other tricks for making money:
- you can buy lettuce, carrots, hay from the Seed shop and sell them on the market at overprice. This is a valid "cheat" but the income fro it is kind of small... you have to sell crops with the value of, let's say, 100.000 CC to make 1000CC profit. Don't forget about the 10% commission fee on the market, when you do dis trick.
Production pens
Another good source of money is the production pens. Don't waste your toolbox items on useless production pens. The top selling products are "Angora wool" and, recently, "Sheep wool". The reason that they sell and will sell at top prices, is the fact that there are missions involved at "The Farmers Society". So go ahead and build only rabbit and sheep "Shearing Sheds"
OK, so now you know how to make money, but you have to spend them wisely or you will lose them faster then you can make them. Here are some tips on how to spend your money:
- don't water your crops/animals. A tank of water costs 122 CC, and it may seem that is a cheep, but don't get fooled... those 122 CC add's up and you will spend a lot of money on water... If you really can't play without watering plants/animals, is a better deal to buy 15-20 small water tanks from the "Supply store", one tank costs only 250 CC and will give you 5 units of water every 12 hours, and you will never need to buy water. The downside is that it uses space on your farm, that can otherwise be used, maybe, more efficiently... but you can but them in the park and your ready to go ..
-don't buy crops and animal feed. Produce your own feed. The mill has to work 24/7. You need just a few large acres to produce crops for animal feed, 10 acres will do..
- don't deliver the orders that came on your Farmhouse, 95% of them give you crap prices compared to what you will get at the market. So pay attention and analyze the orders that comes on your Farmhouse before you consider delivering them.
Other tricks for making money:
- you can buy lettuce, carrots, hay from the Seed shop and sell them on the market at overprice. This is a valid "cheat" but the income fro it is kind of small... you have to sell crops with the value of, let's say, 100.000 CC to make 1000CC profit. Don't forget about the 10% commission fee on the market, when you do dis trick.