{FAQ} Runes in the Tree of Wisdom

Here is the chart of the Runes/Carvings open at this time

The numbers on the above tree corresponds with the numbers on below chart.

This chart will be updated regularly to add any new runes.

* Additional information concerning the Confectionary / Bakery / Florist / Spa Manager and Alchemist Boosts runes:

These runes are given names in the Rune description, but these are effectively only "names".

If you, for example, unlock a 10% bakery rune, you'll get an EXTRA 10% trade points for EVERY prdduct made in that Bakery Trade.

If you unlock a 20%, you'll get an EXTRA 20% trade points for EVERY product made in that Trade. However, it does not add the bonus to an EATEN product.

The extra percentage shown on these trade runes is a % on the actual base recipe points. You can get to a MAXIMUM of 25% extra points with these 5 runes opened.

* Additional information about runes with multiple levels.

If the rune in the chart is stating 'Levels' you will always start on level 1 and can go up the levels for that rune. However, you only need 1 level to get past that rune to go further up the tree.
If a rune in the chart is stating 'Choose', you can choose which item you want in that rune. Again also 1 is needed to get further up the tree.

Source: Official Farmerama Forums

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