The items:
Unwollige Sheep Lady
Fragrant clouds Owl
Marmot scented flowers
Stinky the Skunk cavalier
New Decorations:
Unwollige Sheep Lady
Fragrant clouds Owl
Marmot scented flowers
Stinky the Skunk cavalier
Mega EP Day
Event start: 04.02.2012 at 10:00 CET
Event end: 05.02.2012 at 11:00 CET
Promotion in InGame-EventTimer and News Page.
Read more about Mega EP-Day -> here <-
PLEASE NOTE HOWEVER: There will NOT be a bonus for watching videos in the Cinema.
Mystery Tree Seedling:
As I previously announced, now we will have the chance to get the brand new lemontree and/or milktree
Start: Feb 1st at 10:00 CET
End: Feb 2nd at 11:00 CET
Read more about Happy Toolbox day -> here <-
Power-feed Savings Event
will start on Saturday, January 28th at 10 a.m. CET
and end on Monday, January 30th at 11 a.m. CET
The Powerfeed Sale FAQ can be found HERE.
BabyBoom Day
will start on Saturday, January 28th at 10 a.m. CET
and end on Monday, January 30th at 11 a.m. CET
The Baby Boom FAQ can be found HERE.