(see O.A. for precise times, and the ingame timer also)
* How can I access this Event?
The Event being in the Farmer's Society Building, you will need to be level 4+ to access the Quest.
However, you can grow the new crop: Cinnamon from level 2+
The Event being in the Farmer's Society Building, you will need to be level 4+ to access the Quest.
However, you can grow the new crop: Cinnamon from level 2+
The Quest being in the Farmer's Society Building, you'll need to be level 4+ to see the quest
We will have two nice event days for the users this weekend:This time, amongst the many trees that the seedling could become,
Mega EP Day on Saturday 10 am – Sunday 11 am
Read more about Mega EP Day -> here <-
Mysterious Tree Seedling Sunday 11 am –Monday 11 am
Read more about Mystery Tree Seedlings -> here <-