{FAQ}: Plant Cultivation: Greenhouse & Refinery

The new Plant cultivation feature was launched in the game to offer the users the possibility to "cultivate" their plants in order to find useful refinements, which can in turn be attached to the normal plant harvesting to gain further benefits.

Please note that Bahamarama plants, event plants and Moonlight Mania plants cannot be used in the Greenhouse!

The new Feature has 2 parts: Plant cultivation (research) - found in the Greenhouse and Plant refinement - found in the Plant Refinery. Both procedures will be explained below.

* Where is the Greenhouse and what can I do in there?
The Greenhouse is located in the Farmhouse, in the third tab next to the Chickadee Roost. Only players level 5 or above have access to this feature. There is no Greenhouse feature available for Bahamarama (the Farm Greenhouse is displayed in the Bahamarama Farmhouse as well).

The users can grow different amounts of plants (from the Barn) here, in order to receive special refinements. Only one plant can be used at a time and only chosen from the plants available to the player according to the player's level. The amount of plants required varies according to the selected plant and the chosen Greenhouse size.

Each plant can be searched for a particular list of refinements. Check the refinement brackets for each plant before deciding which plant to grow.

Once you decided which plant to grow, select the desired Greenhouse size (Small, Medium, Large). If a pot icon is grayed out, it means you do not have enough plants in your Barn to grow for that particular Greenhouse size.

In the example above, selecting malt grain will allow 3 Searches, while mushrooms have no searches available due to the insufficient plants in the Barn.

Once the plant is selected, the Greenhouse size must be chosen. The icon will become yellow for the selected size. Remember to check the refinement for each size to make sure you will have the chance to receive one of the desired refinements (place your mouse over the refinement round icon and you will see its tooltip).

There are 3 refinement brackets:

Small greenhouse (1 pot icon - 1 search)
1 Step
  • Small chance to find a refinement from brackets 1-3
Medium greenhouse (2 pots icon - 2 searches)
2 Steps
  • Step 1 - Small chance to find a refinement from brackets 1-3
  • Step 2 - Medium chance to find a refinement from brackets 1-3
Large greenhouse (3 pots icon - 3 searches)
3 Steps
  • Step 1 - Small chance to find a refinement from brackets 1-3
  • Step 2 - Medium chance to find a refinement from brackets 1-3
  • Step 3 - High chance to find a refinement from brackets 1-3
A confirmation layer will be presented, and once accepted, you will proceed to the Greenhouse layer. The plants will be deducted from your Barn and used in the process (you will not receive the plants back).

  1. Active growth phase.
  2. Remaining time until growth stage completion. Each growth stage has a different completion time:
    • 6h for stage 1
    • 8h for stage 2
    • 12h for stage 3
  3. Cancel button. Please note that when cancelling your growth phase, your plants will be lost!
  4. Super grow button. Will halve the remaining growth time. Can be used as many times as desired, as long as there is enough Super Grow in the Supply Tower. Each growth stage requires a different amount of Super grow:
    • 3 Super grow for stage 1
    • 4 Super grow for stage 2
    • 5 Super grow for stage 3
  5. Instant growth stage finish. If you do not want to wait, use Barnyard Bills to finish the stage instantly (less if you used Super Grow as well):
    • 2 BBs for stage 1
    • 3 BBs grow for stage 2
    • 4 BBs grow for stage 3
The 3 refinement brackets corresponding to the chosen plant are also displayed on top.

Once the growth stage is complete, you can use the "Search" button.

By research, you can receive either a refinement or a random compensation (based on the cultivated plant and searched Greenhouse size). Here are the possible random compensations:

An amount of Country Coins
An amount of seeds (of the used kind)
An amount of Farm EP
An amount of Super Grow
1 x Star

In case of a random compensation, the quantity will be immediately credited and you can continue researching (for medium and large green houses only).

In case you found a refinement, you can keep it (this will stop the research in case you have any left) or you can continue researching if you have any researches left (for medium and large green houses only). Continuing the research will mean that the already discovered refinement will not be saved.

All discovered refinements are available in the Plant Refinery. There are 2 type of refinements: positive and negative. All 3 refinement brackets will contain one or more positive refinements.

Positive Refinements
Reduces growing time by a certain percentage.
Increases water effectiveness by a certain percentage.
Increases fertilizer effectiveness by a certain percentage.
Increases the effectiveness of super-grow by a certain percentage.
Receive a certain percentage more EP when using Susi's Super-grow.
Receive a number of more seeds when using Susi's Super-grow.
Receive a certain percentage more EP when harvesting.
A chance to receive extra certain tools when harvesting.
A chance to receive extra certain crafting resources when harvesting.
A chance that fields will be fertilized without reducing fertilizer reserves.
A chance of fertilizing with super-grow without effecting your super-grow reserves.
A chance of fertilizing fields with Susi's Super-grow without effecting your Susi's Super-grow reserves.
A chance of watering your fields without reducing your water reserves.
Weeds grow more slowly by a certain percentage.

The last bracket will also contain negative refinements.

Negative Refinements
Increases growing time by a certain percentage.
Reduces water effectiveness by a certain percentage.
Reduces fertilizer effectiveness by a certain percentage.
Reduces the effectiveness of super-grow by a certain percentage.
Receive a certain percentage less EP when using Susi's Super-grow.
Receive a number of less seeds when using Susi's Super-grow.
Receive a certain percentage less EP when harvesting.
A chance of using more gallons of water on one field while watering.
A chance of using more units of fertilizer on one field while fertilizing.
A chance of using more units of Susi's Super-grow from your Susi's Super-grow reserves for one field.
A chance of using more units of super-grow from your super-grow reserves for one field.

All the refinement icons have tooltips, so if you are not sure what icon gives which refinement, place your mouse over the icon and see its tooltip (make sure that you have Tooltips ON in Game settings):

* Where is the Plant Refinery?
The Plant Refinery is located in the Farmhouse, in the fourth tab, next to the Greenhouse tab. Only players level 5 or above have access to this feature.

There are 6 refinement slots in the Refinery. 4 of them are farm level dependent and the last 2 can be unlocked using BBs.

Refinement slot Unlock condition
1 Farm Level 5
2 Farm Level 10
3 Farm Level 20
4 Farm Level 40
5 100 BBs
6 200 BBs

Each slot can contain one refinement, that will affect only the plant which gave the refinement via research.

* How do I use the Plant Refinery?
Once you found a refinement from your Greenhouse research, you can add it in one of the free refinement slots here. Click on the Free button:

and you will be able to choose from your available refinement:

You cannot use the same refinement in more than one slots. If you try to add a refinement that has this icon (green exclamation mark), it means it is already used in a refinement slot and will not be available to add in another slot:

The refinements does not expire once used in the slot, and it will only affect the plant that produced it via research!

* Can I cancel the refinement and use the slot for another refinement?
Yes! Cancelling a refinement from the slot will cost 2500 Country Coins and trigger a 24h cooldown for that slot. If you do not want to wait, you can finish the cooldown immediately using 8 BBs.

Source: Official Farmerama Forums.
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