From April 29th - May 7th
** What is the minimum level required for this Event?
Level 2
* How can I access the event?
From Level 2+ you'll be able to see the Event Place in front of the Farmers Society:
Level 2
* How can I access the event?
From Level 2+ you'll be able to see the Event Place in front of the Farmers Society:
* What is special about this Event?
There will be a special Event Crop:
Rainbow fern

Time: 4 hours
There will also be a drop item:
Please note that donated resources will not be refunded if you do not finish a certain stage. It's preferable to wait until you have all the required items for the step you are on rather than partially donating and hoping to have enough to finish.Time: 4 hours
EP (2x2): 32 EP
Plant category: "Event"
You will receive 10 Rainbow fern at the beginning of the event. These seeds can be planted on all your lands (including Bahamarma level 2+). They will not be in the Seed Shop, nor will they be buyable/sellable at the market. Alchemy gnomes do not affect the growth time of the event plants. If you drop down to zero on Rainbow fern, you'll receive 5 new seeds after about 5 hours.
There will also be a drop item:
Apple juice

The apple juice will appear when you harvest any of your lands, any of your crops/trees/animals, including Bahamarama (level 2+).
* How can I get more Apple juice?
After accessing the event place in front of the Farmer's Society, you will see the quest layout:
* How can I get more Apple juice?
- You can receive some Apple juice as gift from your neighbours/friends. You can send 5 free gifts (or 7 if you have unlocked the Skilltree Rune), and after you have used up your 5 free gifts, each next Apple juice gift will cost 2 BBs. You can receive up to 20 gifts per day.
- You can also get some Apple juice in bulk quantities in the Shopping Center (see below)
- You can also get some in the Event baskets on the News Page (see below)
- If you have a Magic Tree, you'll get 1 x Apple juice with every harvest during the event.
After accessing the event place in front of the Farmer's Society, you will see the quest layout:
- A - Number of Apple juice available in your Barn
- B - Donation window for the event (see the table below for the requirements). You can not do these steps in a different order. Progress is made through steps 1->10.
- C - Final prize, for completing the event ( Step 10 in the table below)
* Total resources needed
Product Name | Total needed |
Rainbow ferns | 30,000 |
Apple juice | 930 |
Apples | 20 |
Hay | 150 |
Hops | 100 |
Blackberries | 150 |
Sheep | 10 |
Pears | 10 |
Cranberries | 100 |
Cherries | 10 |
Horses | 10 |
Goat's milk | 5 |
If you have the required level, but don't have a Goat diary, you can purchase the Goat milk from the Farmer's Market (Product tab).
Event PrizesMY LITTLE PONY Sticker
Pinkie pie
Time: 13h
Gives: 500 EP
Size: 2x1 plots
Time: 6h
Gives: 650 EP
Size: 2x2 plots
Rainbow Dash egg
Transforms into Cloud house pet
Pinkie Pie pie's recipe
Requires: lvl 5 in Bakery
Final product: Pinky Pie pie
* Can I purchase any other special item?
Yes! You'll find the special "Applejack" item in the Shopping Center - Seasonal items, for 1.99 EUR ( or the equivalent in your currency)
Yes! You'll find the special "Applejack" item in the Shopping Center - Seasonal items, for 1.99 EUR ( or the equivalent in your currency)

Time: 14h
Gives: 750EP
Size: 2x1 plots
Buyable: just once per account
Time: 14h
Gives: 750EP
Size: 2x1 plots
Buyable: just once per account
* Can I pay my way through the quest with BBs?
Yes, you can pay with BBs for various parts of the Quest
For example on the Rainbow fern donation window: Once you've clicked on the 'small blue + icon' you'll be asked to confirm if you want to complete the actual step you are on with BBs.
* Can I buy some Event resources in the Shopping Center?
Yes! The following Apple juice packages will be available:
Yes. In the Supply Store (Seasonal items tab), you'll find the MY LITTLE PONY Baskets:

MY LITTLE PONY Basket (small):

Rainbow Basket (large):
Yes, you can pay with BBs for various parts of the Quest
For example on the Rainbow fern donation window: Once you've clicked on the 'small blue + icon' you'll be asked to confirm if you want to complete the actual step you are on with BBs.
* Can I buy some Event resources in the Shopping Center?
Yes! The following Apple juice packages will be available:
- 1 Apple juice = 2 BB
- 50 Apple juices = 85 BB (15% cheaper)
- 100 Apple juices = 150 BB (25% cheaper)
- 150 Apple juices = 200 BB (33% cheaper)
Yes. In the Supply Store (Seasonal items tab), you'll find the MY LITTLE PONY Baskets:
MY LITTLE PONY Basket (small):
- 150 x Rainbow fern
- 25 x Apple juice
- 50 x Super-grow
- Price: 1.99 Euro or equivalent in your currency (through the bank)
- Buyable: just once per account
Rainbow Basket (large):
- 400 x Rainbow fern
- 100 x Apple juice
- 150 x Super-grow
- 50 x Suzy's Super-grow
- 2 x Carrot Apple Chutney
- Price: 10 Euro or equivalent in your currency (through the bank)
- Buyable: just once per account
- Each Apple juice will be exchanged for 5 EP + 5 CC
- Each Rainbow fern will be exchanged for 2 EP + 3 CC