from February 25th, 2013
* What is the minimum level required for this Event?
Level 2
* How can I access the event?
From Level 2+ you'll be able to see the Quest in the Farmers Society and the Event Place in front of the Farmers Society:
The Event requires Martenitsi that will appear when you harvest any of your lands, any of your crops/trees/animals, including Bahamarama (level 2+):
You'll see how many you have collected in your Barn under "Other".
* How will this Event work?
You will find the the Event Quest in the Farmer's Society.
You will find the the Event Quest in the Farmer's Society.
Last step diamond needs Bahamarama access: bananas (lvl 2 tree) and Parrots (lvl 2 animal)
Please note that donated resources will not be refunded if you do not finish a certain stage. You can donate the whole amount requested by the quest or partially donate the resources you have available, until you finish the mission (silver, gold or diamond). Therefore, please make sure that you have enough resources to finish the mission before you donate, or you will loose the partially donated resources.
* Total resources needed (without the value-based donations)
Product name | Total needed |
Martenitsi | 430 |
Wheat | 2000 |
Apples | 65 |
Rabbits | 35 |
Sorghum | 2800 |
Plums | 55 |
Sheep | 50 |
Celery | 4000 |
Pigs | 55 |
Pears | 65 |
Fennels | 4500 |
Bananas | 85 |
Parrots | 75 |
* Total value-based donations needed
Category | Total Value |
Farm Only | 90000 |
Farm+Bahamarama | 380000 |
In case you do not have acces to Bahamarama yet, the donation value can be completed using Farm products only (470.000 value)
Event Prizes
Martenitsa Sticker
Bulgarian Flowerbed
Time: 12h
Gives: 500 EP
Size: 2x1 plots
Baba Marta
Time: 10h
Gives: 525 EP
Size: 2x1 plots
Helper Coupon 3h
The harvester coupon is stored in your Farm Machinery. Find more details on how to enable it in the following FAQ:
{FAQ:} Harvest Helpers
* Will leftover event resources be exchanged after the end of the Event?
(please note that the exchange will not happen immediately, it may take a while).
- Each Martenitsa will be exchanged for 4 EP + 5 CC
martenitsi's also a romanian tradition called "martisor".