* What is the minimum level required for this Event?
Level 2* What is special about this Event?
There will be a special Event Crop: Peppermint
Can be grown on all lands (including Bahamarama)
level: 2 (including Bahamarama)
time: 4 hours
EP (2x2) 36 EP
All players level 2+ will get 5 seeds at the beginning of the Event.* How can I access this Event?
They will not be in the Seed Shops, nor will they be buyable/sellable at the market.
If you drop down to less than 5 seeds, you'll need to wait for the automatic replenishment every 5 - 6 hours
The Event requires Medals that will appear when you harvest any of your lands, any of your crops/trees/animals, including Bahamarama (level 2+):
You'll see how many Medals you have collected at the top-left corner of the Event Window, and also in your Barn under "other".
You can get extra Medals by gifting to/from buddies/neighbours from level 5+, by buying some in bulk quantities (=cheaper) in the Supply Store, or getting some in the Starter-Basket (see below)
From Level 2+ you'll be able to see the Event Place in front of the Farmers Society
And then you will see the following screen:

* What are each of the parts of this Event pop-up?
This is a 3-part Event
Left Side - donate Peppermint - gain up to 100 EPs/Medal (minimum = 12 EP/Medal)
Right Side - donate Vegetables - gain up to 20 CCs/Medal (minimum = 6 CC/Medal)
Lower part - donate Medals - gain prize items
It is strongly recommended to wait until nearly the end of the Event
to donate your Medals,
once you've filled up a maximum of Peppermint + Vegetables.
(but don't wait until the last minutes!!!)
This will give you a maximum of EPs and CCs per Medal tossed into the event
& The Event Sticker

That you'll find in your Sticker Album,
in the Post Office Building
you might need to re-arrange your stickers
to donate your Medals,
once you've filled up a maximum of Peppermint + Vegetables.
(but don't wait until the last minutes!!!)
This will give you a maximum of EPs and CCs per Medal tossed into the event
& The Event Sticker
That you'll find in your Sticker Album,
in the Post Office Building
you might need to re-arrange your stickers

* How do I donate the special Event Crops?
On both sides it works similarly.
Once you've chosen which side you want to donate to, you'll see a pop-up like this:
* Can I pay my way through the Event with BBs?
No. You can buy additional Medals in the Supply Shop, see below.* Can I buy Medals in the Supply Store?
Eventitem packages:
Drop item Medal:
1 Medal: 2 BB
50 Medals: 85 BB
100 Medals: 150 BB
150 Medals: 200 BB
* Will there be a Starter-Basket?
In the Supply Store, you'll find a Sports Spectacular Starter-Baskets, Large and Small.
Small event basket:
• 50x Peppermint
• 1x Pumpkin Jam
• 25x Medals
• 50x Super Grow
• Price: 1.99 Euro or equivalent in your currency (through the bank)
• Buyable: just once
Large event basket:
• 400x Peppermint
• 100x Medals
• 100x Super Grow
• 2x Carrot and Apple Chutney
• Price: 10 Euro or equivalent in your currency (through the bank)
• Buyable: just once
* What are the Event requirements and Prizes?left side - donate Peppermint
Sport Fest Row of Clouds
Buff: 3100 EP
Cooldown time: 24h
This "row of clouds" reward
does NOT unlock the Magical Stalk.
It just adds one extra row of clouds.
If you have received this prize, but have not yet unlocked the Magical Stalk, you'll find this row of clouds when you do unlock it later.
Right Side - donate Vegetables
Con Artist Crow
275 EP
6 hours
Lower part - donate Medals
This part of the quest will give you stars too !
Floor Routine
350 EP
4 hours
Pumpkin Lifting
290 EP
12 hours
* Will Peppermint stay in the game after the Event?
Yes.* Will leftover drop items be exchanged after the end of the Event?
It will be a level 35 farm crop
Exchange drop items after the end of the event:
Each medal will be exchanged for 10 EP and 10 CC