from July 27 to 02 August
please see the OA for the actual times

from July 27 to 02 August
please see the OA for the actual times
* What is the minimum level required for this Event?
Level 2* What is special about this Event?
There will be a special Event Crops: Laurel and Blackberries
Can be grown on all lands (including Bahamarama)
level: 2 (including Bahamarama)
time: 3 hours
EP (2x2): 24 EP
time: 5 hours
EP (2x2) 36 EP
All players level 2+ will get 5 seeds at the beginning of the Event.* How can I access this Event?
They will not be in the Seed Shops, nor will they be buyable/sellable at the market.
If you drop down to less than 5 seeds, you'll need to wait for the automatic replenishment every 5 - 6 hours
The Event requires Laurel Wreaths that will appear when you harvest any of your lands, any of your crops/trees/animals, including Bahamarama (level 2+):
You'll see how many Laurel Wreaths you have collected at the top-left corner of the Event Window, and also in your Barn under "other".
You can get extra Laurel Wreaths by gifting to/from buddies/neighbours from level 5+, by buying some in bulk quantities (=cheaper) in the Supply Store, or getting some in the Starter-Basket (see below)
From Level 2+ you'll be able to see the Event Place in front of the Farmers Society
And then you will see the following screen:

* What are each of the parts of this Event pop-up?
This is a 3-part Event
Left Side - donate Laurel - gain up to 100 EPs/Laurel Wreath(minimum = 12 EP/Laurel Wreath)
Right Side - donate Blackberries - gain up to 20 CCs/Laurel Wreath (minimum = 6 CC/Laurel Wreath)
Lower part - donate Laurel Wreaths - gain prize items
It is strongly recommended to wait until nearly the end of the Event
to donate your Laurel Wreaths,
once you've filled up a maximum of Laurel + Blackberries.
(but don't wait until the last minutes!!!)
This will give you a maximum of EPs and CCs per Laurel Wreath tossed into the event
& The Event Sticker

That you'll find in your Sticker Album,
in the Post Office Building
you might need to re-arrange your stickers
to donate your Laurel Wreaths,
once you've filled up a maximum of Laurel + Blackberries.
(but don't wait until the last minutes!!!)
This will give you a maximum of EPs and CCs per Laurel Wreath tossed into the event
& The Event Sticker
That you'll find in your Sticker Album,
in the Post Office Building
you might need to re-arrange your stickers

* How do I donate the special Event Crops?
On both sides it works similarly.* Can I pay my way through the Event with BBs?
Once you've chosen which side you want to donate to, you'll see a pop-up like this:
No. You can buy additional Laurel Wreaths in the Supply Shop, see below.* Can I buy Laurel Wreaths in the Supply Store?
Eventitem packages:
Drop item Laurel Wreath:
1 Laurel Wreath: 2 BB
50 Laurel Wreaths: 85 BB
100 Laurel Wreaths: 150 BB
150 Laurel Wreaths: 200 BB
* Will there be a Starter-Basket?
Yes!* What are the Event requirements and Prizes?
In the Supply Store, you'll find a Sports Spectacular Starter-Baskets, Large and Small.
Small event basket:
• 50x Laurel
• 50x Blackberry
• 25x Laurel Wreath
• 50x Super Grow
• Price: 1.99 Euro or equivalent in your currency (through the bank)
• Buyable: just once
Large event basket:
• 300x Laurel
• 300x Blackberry
• 90x Laurel Wreath
• 100x Super Grow
• 2x Carrot and Apple Chutney
• Price: 10 Euro or equivalent in your currency (through the bank)
• Buyable: just once
left side - donate Laurel
Right Side - donate Blackberries
Victory Picture
225 EP
5 hours
Lower part - Donate Laurel Wreaths -
This part of the quest will give you stars too !
False Start
199 EP
9.5 hours
Carrot Archer
275 EP
11 hours
* Will Laurel and Blackberries stay in the game after the Event?
Yes.* Will leftover drop items be exchanged after the end of the Event?
They will be a level 95 farm crop and level 5 farm crop respectively
Exchange drop items after the end of the event:
Each laurel wreath will be exchanged for 10 EP and 10 CC
Source: Official Farmerama Forums.