From June 1st -> June 6th
see the OA for more precise times as soon as they are known
see the OA for more precise times as soon as they are known
* What is the minimum level required for this Event?
Level 3* What is special about this Event?
- There will be a special Event Crop: Meadowsweet
Can be grown on all lands (including Bahamarama)
level: 3 (including Bahamarama)
time: 4 hours
EP (2x2): 30
All players level 3+ will get 10 seeds at the beginning of the Event.
They will not be in the Seed Shops, nor will they be buyable/sellable at the market.
If you drop down to less than 5 seeds, you'll need to wait for the automatic replenishment every 4 hours
Diamond Dust will drop on all your fields, on any crops/trees/animal housing.
- What can I do with this Diamond Dust?
The Diamond Dust can be used to reduce growing times on your MeadowSweet (and other crops too).
It will reduce the remaining time by 10% for the MeadowSweet and other crops) that is sprayed with it.
To spray your crops with Diamond Dust, just click on the icon on the left:You can also use the FREE function on the Machinery to help you simultaneously spray ALL crops growing on that field (as long as you have enough Diamond Dust):
* How can I access this Event?
- How can I get more Diamond Dust?
- You can win some as rewards from the first 4 steps of the Quest.
- You can get some Diamond Dust as gifts to/from neighbours.
From Level 5+ you can send 5 free Diamond Dust- You can buy some in the Shopping Center
Buying in bulk quantities will make each item up to 33% cheaper.
- What are the prices of the Diamond Dust in the Shopping Center?
- 5 Diamond Dust: 1 BB
- 25 Diamond Dust: 4 BB (20% cheaper)
- 100 Diamond Dust: 15 BB (25% cheaper)
- 200 Diamond Dust: 27 BB (33% cheaper)
From Level 3+ you'll be able to see the 6 step quest in the Farmer's Society building.
Then you'll see a 6-step quest, with 3 challenges on each step (Silver, Gold, Diamond)* What are the requirements and the rewards for this 6 step Quest?
"God save the Queen" Quest
Each challenge will also give stars:
Silver = 1, Gold = 2, Diamond = 3
If you don't have enough items to complete a particular challenge, it's preferable not to start donating to a challenge. As donated goods are non-refundable.
Total Items required
Total Items required
* Can I pay my way through the quest with BBs?
Yes, most parts of the quest are payable with BB, just hover your cursor over the gold chest on the right to see how many BBs it will cost.* Will there be any Event-Baskets?
If the gold chest is greyed out, then you'll need to donate certain items, until the total amount is 500 BBs or less.
Yes, there will even be 2 baskets.
You'll be able to find them on special offer (on the newspage??), and also most probably in the Shopping Center, which will redirect you to the bank.
Diamond Jubilee basket
- 250x Meadowsweet
- 2x Pumpkin Jam
- 50x Diamond Dust
- 50x super-grow
Costs: 1,99 Euro
Buyable just once
Queen's basket
- 1500x meadowsweet
- 2x Carrot-Apple-Chutney
- 200x Diamond Dust
- 100hrs all harvester helpers
- 100x super-grow
Costs: 10 Euro
Buyable just once!
Prize Items
Base Item:
Royal Guard
size: 1x2
gives: 135 EP
time: 11 hours
Base Item + 1 upgrade:
Stoic Royal Guard
gives: 220 EP
time: 11,5 hours
Base Items + 2 upgrades:
Oh so friendly!
gives: 320 EP
time: 13 hours
& The Event Sticker
That you'll find in your Sticker Album,
in the Post Office Building
you might need to re-arrange your stickers

* Will MeadowSweet stay in the game after the Event?
It will be a level 94 crop
* Will remaining Diamond Dust be exchanged after the Event?
Each Diamond Dust will be exchanged for 5 EP & 5 CC the day after the event.
Happy Diamond Jubilee Event