Socceritis part 2
June 13th -> June 18th
* What is special about this Event?June 13th -> June 18th
- There will be 2 event crops: Bamboo and MeadowGrass
Grow time: 4h
EP (2x2): 36
Plantable on all lands from level 3+ (including Bahamarama)
Meadow grass
Grow time: 1 h
EP (2x2): 14
Plantable on all lands from level 3+ (including Bahamarama)Each player will get 10 seeds of Meadow grass and 10 seeds of bamboo at the beginning of the event.
If you have less than 5 event seeds, the automatic replenishment will book up to 5 every 5 hours roughly. - There will be a drop item: Compost
Compost can be used to reduce crop growing time by 10%
You can add it manually, after having planted your seeds, by clicking the icon on the left:
You can also add it 'automatically' on the FREE harvester function:
This will add Compost to ALL your growing crops simultaneously, as long as you have enough compost.* How can I get some more compost?
- You can send/receive some from neighbours / buddies.
- From level 5+ you can send 5 (or 7 if you have unlocked the rune) free gifts to your neighbours.
- Extra Compost gifts can not be paid for with BBs
- You can receive up to 20 gifts per day
- You can buy some in the Shopping Center
- • 5 "compost" - 1 BB
- • 25 "compost" - 4 BB (20% off)
- • 100 "compost" - 15 BB (25% off)
- • 200 "compost" - 27 BB (33% off)
* How can I access this Event?
From level 3+ you can enter the Farmer's Society building:
where you'll see a new quest: Socceritis
When you select that quest, you'll see this layout
- There are 5 steps.
- Each step has 3 difficulties: Silver, Gold and Diamond.
You'll notice also that this is a series of TIMED-Quests
Reminder for Timed Quests:* How can I start a timed quest?
- This means that EACH challenge is individually timed.
- You can not activate 2 challenges simultaneously.
- You can not donate items from your barn!
- You must grow the required items in the imparted time!
- ALL quest items which you harvest whilst a timed-quest is on will go straight into the quest!
- Firstly, grow a field full of the required items
- Then go to Farmer's Society to start the Timer, by clicking on this icon:
- Then go back to your land to harvest your items. They will go straight into the Quest - NOT into your barn!
This icon (at the top-right corner of the quest window, will show you a brief tutorial about Timed-Quests.
Once "started" you'll see a scroll open/closed icon which shows you what is left to donate to the actual challenge:
* What are the required items and rewards for this Quest?
* What happens if I don't manage to complete the quest in the imparted time?
You will get your items returned to your inventory* How can I stop/cancel a timed Challenge?
By clicking on this icon:
you'll be able to prematurely STOP / CANCEL the timed quest.* Which recommendations can you give us?
* Will I get my items back?
Yes. All your items will return to your inventory
- It is VERY STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you keep a few of each type of event crops in your inventory! Because timed quests take ALL your harvest of Event items !!!
- Grow lots of Event Crops BEFORE actually starting the timed quests, so that you have enough seeds to continue.
- Or... if you have planted + harvested ALL your crops during a timed event, and have none left, another solution would be to "cancel" the Challenge (to get the items back into your inventory).
You could then have plenty in stock so as never to drop to zero when the Timed Quest is on
* Will there be any Event Baskets?
Yes, there will be an event basket on offer on the News Page
the contents:* Can I pay with BBs?
- 100 meadow grass
- 100 bamboo
- 100 compost
- 50 super-grow
Costs: 1.99 Euros (or equivalent in your currency)
Buyable just once
hover your cursor over the gold chest on the right to see how many BBs it will cost to complete this challenge.
* Can I re-set / re-start the Event?
You will be asked to confirm/validate the purchase on a pop-up.
By clicking on this button:
you'll be asked to validate if you agree to pay 30 BBs to go back to step 1: silver challenge.* Will there be any other special offers during this part of the Event?
Yes, There will be a Looney Tunes rent-a-Looney-friend offer:* Will the 2 Event crops stay in the game after the Event?
• Every Looney bought during this event will grant the player, in addition to all the other benefits, 25 compost (dropitems). This is one time bonus (and NOT a daily gift)
• This bonus is not affected by Tweety
Bamboo, will be a Bahamarama level 10 crop (roughly 4h20 crop)
Meadow Grass will be a Bahamarama level 11 crop (roughly 4h40 crop)
* Will remaining Drop items be exchanged after the Event?
Each compost will be exchanged for 5 EP + 5 CC the day after the Event
Soccer Event Part II Start Time
The Event will start at 1700 CEST today, 13 June 2012
Soccer Event Part II will start in: