Event start: 25.01.2012 at 14:00 CET
Event end: 31.01.2012 at 14:00 CET
* How can I access this Event?
From Level 3+ you can access it by clicking on the Event Place in the City (in front of the Farmer's Society Building).* What is Special about this Event?
There will be a new Drop-Item: Greetings Card
- You'll find these whilst harvesting your various lands.
- You can also GIFT them to your neighbours (from level 5+).
- 5 free gifts per day (7 with rune)
- After the 5 free gifts have been sent, you can send the Greetings Cards for _ BB
- Receive a maximum of 20 gifts per day
- You can also BUY some on the Event Requirements (2 BB each) or also in the Supply Store.
There is a short-cut to the Supply Store, when you click on this icon at the top left of the Event-Pop-Up:ADVICE: It is cheaper to buy them in BULK packages in the Supply Store, than on the Event Window!
- 50 greeting cards - 85 BB (instead of 100 BB)
- 100 greeting cards - 150 BB (instead of 200 BB)
- 150 greeting cards - 200 BB (instead of 300 BB)
There will be Event plants: Aubretia and Begonia
(that were already present in B-Day Part#1)
Level 3+ (including Bahamarama Level 3+ too)
Time: 3 hours
EP (2x2 plot): 30
* What happens when I FIRST click on the Event Place?All players will get a minimum of 5 crops at the beginning of the Event (if you had some left from the B-Day Part#1 you should still have these in your Barn).
These seeds can NOT be bought NOR sold.
There will be an automatic replenishment every 4 hours if you have less than 5 seeds in your barn, the system will top it up to 5 seeds.
You'll be greeted with the Shaun greeting pop-up:
- The left part is a B-Day gift for YOU
You have to click on the gift button and pick up your B-Day gift:
- 50x sugar & 50x salt.
- The right part is a purchasable Shaun the Sheep Birthday item in the bank.
If you click on the shop button you will be forwarded to the payment area and can buy the Shaun the Sheep Birthday item.
* What does the Event Window look like?NOTE:
- This Shaun Greetings pop-up will disappear after you have picked up Shaun's gift.
- If you just close the pop-up, it will pop up again with the next login so that you don't miss out on the gift.
- The Shaun Item should also soon be visible in the Supply Store, where you'll be taken to the bank to purchase this Exclusive Birthday Shaun the Sheep item.
Once you've entered the Event (after the initial Shaun Greetings Card pop-up), you'll see this Event Window pop-up:
There are 6 steps to this Event, as you can see by the counter/progress-bar at the bottom of the pop-up.
When you click on the LARGE blue-square/white+ icon (on the left of the event progress-bar), you'll be shown the items required for that particular step.
For example:
Please note:* Is there another way to purchase some Event Crops or Drop-Items?
- The "amount" column shows how many items you have in your inventory
- The "required" column shows how many items are still required to complete this step.
- To donate items, click either on the picture, the name of the item, or the amount (as shown by the arrows).
- To pay with BBs, click on the small
icon to see how many BBs it will cost to pay for this particular type of item (not the whole Quest step, just item per item). the items will be donated straight to the quest (not in your barn).
- If you no longer see the line for a particular item, this means that you have already donated all that sort of required items.
In the Supply Store, you'll find a "Party Basket“ for 1.99 Euro (or equivalent in your local currency), including:
* What are the requirements and rewards for this Event?
- 50x begonia
- 50x aubretia
- 25x greeting cards
- 50x super grow
- 10x Susis super grow
Each step on the following chart shows the amounts needed PER STEP.
NOT a running-total.
If you don't have all the items to donate, it is preferable NOT to donate partial quantities, as the items are NON-REFUNDABLE.
Level | Required Product | Reward | Required Level |
1 | 20 Greetings Cards 500 begonias 450 aubretia 50 Apples |
50 EP x Your Level 25 CCs x Your Level 1 Star |
3 |
2 | 65 Greetings Cards 850 begonias 1050 aubretia 50 Ducks |
90 EP x Your Level 45 CCs x Your Level 2 Stars 15 Super-Grows |
7 |
3 | 100 Greetings Cards 1100 begonias 1250 aubretia 50 Turkeys |
110 EP x Your Level 55 CCs x Your Level 2 Stars 1 Julie the Birthday Sheep |
8 |
4 | 125 Greetings Cards 1550 begonias 1400 aubretia 50 Plums |
150 EP x Your Level 75 CCs x Your Level 3 Stars 15 Suzy's Super-Grows |
10 |
5 | 150 Greetings Cards 2250 begonias 2050 aubretia 50 Pigs |
255 EP x Your Level 127 CCs x Your Level 3 Stars 15 Power-Feed |
14 |
6 | 200 Greetings Cards 2750 begonias 2800 aubretia 50 Pears |
300 EP x Your Level 150 CCs x Your Level 5 Stars 1 Bunnylin Bunroe + Event Sticker |
16 |
The total requirements are:
Aubretia | 9000 |
Begonia | 9000 |
Greetings Card | 660 |
Apples | 50 |
Plums | 50 |
Pears | 50 |
Ducks | 50 |
Turkeys | 50 |
Pigs | 50 |
Prize Items
Julie, the Birthday Sheep

size: 1x1
gives: 250 EP
time: 12 hours
- - - - -
Bunnilyn Bunroe

size: 1x2 (to be confirmed)
gives: 325 EP
time: 13.5 hours
- - - - -
And, with the last step,
you'll also get the Event Sticker

that you'll find in your Sticker Album (in the Post Office Building)
you might need to move around some stickers to see them all.
Julie, the Birthday Sheep
size: 1x1
gives: 250 EP
time: 12 hours
- - - - -
Bunnilyn Bunroe
size: 1x2 (to be confirmed)
gives: 325 EP
time: 13.5 hours
- - - - -
And, with the last step,
you'll also get the Event Sticker
that you'll find in your Sticker Album (in the Post Office Building)
you might need to move around some stickers to see them all.
* Will any remaining Greetings Cards be exchanged at the end of the Event?
Yes!* Will Begonias and Aubretia stay in the Game after this 2nd part?
A few hours after the end of the event each drop item will be exchanged for 20 EP & 20 CC
Yes, at the following levels:
Begonia: Level 89
Aubretia: Level 90
Nearing the end of the Event, we'll inform you about the future times/EPs etc.