from December 30th
until January 6th
(check the ingame timer for the end-time)
* How can I access this event?
From level 3+ you can access this Short-Time quest in the Farmers Society building:
* What is special about this event?
There will be 2 new crops:
Lucky Clover___&___Dentallaria
You will receive 10 of each crop at the beginning of the Event.
You will NOT be able to buy any more at the Market or the Seed Shop. If you have donated ALL your seeds to the Event, you'll need to wait for the automatic replenishment of 5 new seeds roughly every 6 hours
These seeds can be planted on all your farmlands, including the island (all from level 3+).
During the Event here are the new crop stats:
* Will there be drop items?
No, not for this event* What items are required for the Quest?
Reminder: ALL items donated to a quest, even partially, can NOT be refunded. If you're not sure to be able to finish a Job, then do NOT start it
Prize Items
Event Sticker

Once you've completed the job that gives the sticker,
you'll find it in the Sticker Album (in the Post Office building).
You might need to move some of the other stickers around to see this new one.
base item:
warning: once upgraded, these items can NOT be un-merged!!!
Miss Moo's Table

size: 1x2
Gives: 65 EP
Time: 11 hours
Miss Moo's Table + 1 upgrade = Table with waiter

Gives: 125 EP
Time: 12 hours
Table with waiter + 1 upgrade = Festively decorated table

Gives: 185 EP
Time: 13 hours
Festively decorated table + 1 upgrade = Miss Moo takes a seat

Gives: 245 EP
Time: 14 hours
Miss Moo takes a seat + 1 upgrade = Cheerio Miss Moo

Gives 350 EP
Time: 15 hours
Event Sticker
Once you've completed the job that gives the sticker,
you'll find it in the Sticker Album (in the Post Office building).
You might need to move some of the other stickers around to see this new one.
base item:
warning: once upgraded, these items can NOT be un-merged!!!
Miss Moo's Table
size: 1x2
Gives: 65 EP
Time: 11 hours
Miss Moo's Table + 1 upgrade = Table with waiter
Gives: 125 EP
Time: 12 hours
Table with waiter + 1 upgrade = Festively decorated table
Gives: 185 EP
Time: 13 hours
Festively decorated table + 1 upgrade = Miss Moo takes a seat
Gives: 245 EP
Time: 14 hours
Miss Moo takes a seat + 1 upgrade = Cheerio Miss Moo
Gives 350 EP
Time: 15 hours
* Can I pay with BBs to finish the quest?
As usual, this option is possible by clicking on the gold chest on the right of the quest window.* Will these plants stay in the game after the Event?
Even if you have partially donated items, the amount will be adapted to show how many BBs you still need to pay to complete that particular Job.
Yes & No.
Dentallaria/Plumbago will remain in the Game.
It will become a level 88 crop.
If you don't yet have that level at the end of the event, your seeds will remain hidden in your barn inventory until you do get there.
Lucky Clover, however will disappear after the event, it will be exchanged for 5 EP each
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