from December 19th -> 29th
Christmas is in danger! Santa and Rudolf crash landed with the sleigh on the farm! Who will deliver the gifts now? Help Santa repair his sleigh and get back on his way. Rescue Christmas!
* How can I access this Event?
From Level 3+ you can enter the Event, by clicking on the Event Place:
* What is special about this Event?
There will be a Drop-Item, snowflakes, that will float up when you harvest your special event crops ONLY.
Snowflakes can be gifted to/from your neighbours.
Snowflakes can also be bought (see below)
- These will be required for each step of the Quest.
There will be 3 new crops for this Event!
Snowdrop - Winter Jasmin - Iceflower
Each of these can also be planted on Bahamarama
Crop | Time to Grow | EPs (2x2 plot) |
Snowdrop 3 hours |
28 EP | |
Winter Jasmin 5 hours |
36 EP | |
Iceflower 7 hours |
44 EP |
If you can't see the bottom of this chart on Internet Explorer, please open it under Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox
You'll get 10 of each of these seeds.
You will NOT be able to buy any in the Seed Shops.
If you donate ALL of your seeds to the Quests, you'll then need to wait for the automatic replenishement (5 seeds) which will be every 6 hours roughly.
* What does the Event Window look like?
When you enter the Event, you'll see this layout, with 6 different + buttons, that we've numbered 1-6:
Your voices were heard! 
The order of these zones might change as the event goes live!
The order of these zones might change as the event goes live!
It's up to you to choose which part of the quest you'd like to do, in the order that you want.
Each of these 6 zones will show you the required items and the rewards for each part.
Items donated to quests can NOT be retrieved. If you're not sure to be able to complete the quest, it's preferable NOT to partially donate items.
- - - - - - -

Items required:
Reward item:
- 8000x Winter Jasmin
- 125x Snowflakes
- Christmas Bunny
- & 3 Stars
- - - - - - -

Items required:
Reward item:
- 8000x Snowdrops
- 150x Snowflakes
- Ice Sculpture
- & 3 Stars
- - - - - - -

Items required:
Reward item:
- 35000 CCs of Tools
- 175x Snowflakes
This prize consists of a 1x1 base item, which has an animated sleigh riding across your screen regularly.
- Santa's Speedy Sleigh
- & 3 Stars
- - - - - - -

Items required:
Reward item:
- 250x Snowflakes
- Snow Angel
- & 3 Stars
- - - - - - -

Items required:
Reward item:
- 450x Snowflakes
- Schorsch der Schneeman
- & 3 Stars
- - - - - - -

- - - - - - -Items required:
Reward item:
- 8000x Iceflowers
- 150x Snowflakes
- Turbo Hamster 2011
- & 3 Stars
Prize Items
Picture | Time | EP / CC |
Christmas Bunny time: 12 hours size: 1x2 |
235 CC | |
Snow Angel time: 13 hours size: 1x1 |
230 EP | |
Ice Sculpture time: 13:30 hours size: 1x1 |
265 EP | |
Turbo Hamster 2011 time: 12 hours size: 1x2 |
275 EP | |
Santa's Speedy Sleigh time: 11 hours size: base item = 1x1 and an animated sleigh flying over your screen regularly. |
280 EP | |
Schorsch der Schneemann time: 12 hours size: 1x1 |
222 EP |
If you can't see the bottom of this chart on Internet Explorer, please open it under Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox
* Can I pay parts of the Quest with BBs?
* Will leftover Snowflakes be exchanged after the event?
There is also an option to pay with BBs to finish each part of the Quest, by clicking on the Gold Chest a pop-up will show you how many BBs are required to finish that part.
However, concerning snowflakes, you will get discount prices in the Supply Store if you buy larger quantities.
You can also purchase a Winter Basket in the Supply Store for 1€99 (US$2.99, UK£1.75, or equivalent in your currency).
- 1 snowflake for 2 BBs
- 50 snowflakes for 85 BBs
- 150 snowflakes for 225 BBs
- 250 snowflakes for 330 BBs
You can buy this offer only ONE time!
This pack contains:
- 50 Winter Jasmin seeds
- 50 Snow Bells seeds
- 50 Ice Flowers seeds
- 25 Snowflakes (drop items)
- 50 Super-Grow
and when you finish all the areas in total,

you'll receive,
as a bonus:
The Event Sticker: Iceflower

That you'll find in the Post-Office sticker-album.
And... last but not least:
A new Flying Pet !!!
The Flying Reindeer
see: {FAQ} Pets
you'll receive,
as a bonus:
The Event Sticker: Iceflower
That you'll find in the Post-Office sticker-album.
And... last but not least:
A new Flying Pet !!!
The Flying Reindeer
see: {FAQ} Pets
* Will leftover Snowflakes be exchanged after the event?
After the event, remaining snowflakes will be exchanged for 20 EP + 20 CC each.* Will the Event crops stay in the game after the event?
Winter Jasmin and Snowdrops should remain in the game after the event.
They will probably have other stats that we'll publish as soon as we know them.
update: They will be level 86 and 87 crops after the event
The remaining Iceflowers left after the event will be exchanged for 5 EP each.