

This Quest is timed.

Level Product Reward Duration Level
1 200 Lettuce 10 Barnyard Bills (BBs) 0h30 2
2 180 Wheat 250 Country Coins (CCs)
1x Apple Tree
0h30 2
3 200 Lettuce
200 Wheat
1x Chicken Coop
1x Rabbit Hutch
0h30 2
4 400 Carrots 300 CCs
48h Harvest function
0h30 2
5 400 Carrots
200 Lettuce
10 BBs
25 Super-Grow
0h30 2
6 195 Corn 1x Statue of Buddha
1h35 5
7 200 Celery 1x Duck Shelter
1x Walnut Tree
1h50 7
8 200 Celery
200 Carrots
100 Lettuce
30 Super-Grow
500 CCs
1h50 7
9 270 Corn
190 Wheat
10 Power-Feed
1x Plum Tree
1h35 10
10 235 Potatoes
300 Lettuce
20 BBs
48h Harvest Function
2h00 10
11 235 Rhubarb
400 Wheat
2 Sheep pens
1x Large Lake (Décoration)
2h15 10
12 300 Fennel
235 Carrots
10 Super-Grow
Sheep Pen I: yellow
2h45 11
13 305 Strawberry
200 Lettuce
1x XL Pigsty 3h05 14
14 300 Tomatoes
300 Lettuce
100 Corn
1x Herb Garden
3h20 18

The Yellow upgrades can only be seen in your inventory, and used on your farm, at level 21+
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