
Real farmers know the value of hard work. And that's why a farmer's job is never done. All they ever do is work, work, work!

There are upsides to all this work: increased wealth, a good reputation and plenty of customers. When customers drop by the farm to place an order, make sure to answer your doorbell when you see your house swaying from side to side.

Once you click on the swaying farmhouse to accept an order, a pop-up window will appear showing you who wants order from you. If you accept this order, it order will automatically be recorded in your order book.

Every player will start out with six orders per day unless you're a Premium player. Premium players receive 12 orders per day.

Fill orders to earn Country coins and Experience Points.

Orders will also become more complex throughout the game, so that you don't always find yourself planting the same crops for each level.

You can only save so many orders to fill at a later point in time, so choose wisely which orders you want to take care of.

If you do not wish to fill an order, click on the big red Xthis will cancel the order, there is no penalty for not fulfilling an order.
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