Olé! Brazilian flair is heading your way

starting Friday, September 2, 2011 starting at midday CEST
starting Friday, September 2, 2011 starting at midday CEST
With summer slowly on its way out and autumn just around the bend, the makers of Farmerama don’t want the hot days to end. That’s why they’ve decided to honor the game’s many farmers living in Brazil and put on a special, electrifying Brazilian event to keep things fired up.
During this event, you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about some of Brazil’s domestic plants, such as the bromeliad and cassava.
Get and plant them on your farm: There’s also a starter pack available to keep you stocked up on seeds. Not only will it give you seeds instantly but it will also give you more every six hours.
In Brazil, farmers often use humus made from earthworms to fertilize their fields – collect earthworms from your fields and then take them to the Brazilian festivities center alongside your harvested crops and you’ll be rewarded with exclusive items like the Samba sheep and the Amazonian sheep.
Enjoy the sun, samba and sauciness of Brazil!