Dear Farmers,
Ever since the seed purchasing limitations were introduced, community members have been saying that it’s become more difficult to get certain products. Additionally, there have been many requests for a new market.
At this time, we can reveal that a new, dynamic market is being developed by the Farmerama team. To explain, very generally: Market price will rise (or sink) with each purchase in which the purchase price is over (or under) the current market price. Because of this, in the future, prices will function more like a “real” economy and orient themselves more along the principles of supply and demand. With a bit of skill, farmers will then be able to achieve much better prices for their farm goods.
An example:
Right now, there is a high demand for eggs, but there are hardly any offers in the market. So currently, eggs are being sold at the highest prices on the market (50% over the preset price or 75% if you have access to the appropriate rune). In the future, the preset market price would automatically rise in such a situation, so that farmers who are diligently producing eggs can sell these at the market and earn more Country Coins.
This also makes it more enticing to produce the products and goods that aren’t being offered enough in the market. However, to prevent the market from emptying once again, (we also want to help keep it full) among other things, this can be accomplished with the help of a new rune from the Tree of Wisdom. This rune will increase the products from the workshops, since these products are particularly scarce in the market.
So you can all look forward to an improved market and more valuable market sales. It will still take a few weeks – but we will give you more detailed information along the way.
Future changes to the Market
Posted on
Saturday, August 27, 2011

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