And now the feature you’ve all been waiting for: Crafting! Take the hard-earned fruits of your farm labor and turn them into delicious treats by learning a crafting trade.
Crafting will begin with two trades: Baker and confectioner. It’s important to remember that you will never be able to carry out all trades at once. When more trades become available:
you’ll have to choose the one that best suits you.
Crafting will begin with two trades: Baker and confectioner. It’s important to remember that you will never be able to carry out all trades at once. When more trades become available:
you’ll have to choose the one that best suits you.
Trade and develop a speciality!
Each crafting recipe requires a special ingredient in addition to the regular ingredients. For example, the best baked goods require just the right amount of salt. Special ingredients will appear, just like tools, when you harvest. If you haven’t selected a trade yet, all types of special ingredients will appear.
Once you reach Level 40, the first shop in the new Artisans' Village will be unlocked and given to you. If you decide you want to learn another trade, you'll need to unlock another space for an additional crafting building in the Artisans' Village.

Go to the Farmers' Society to complete the challenge series that corresponds to your dream trade. Once the matching crafting shop (i.e. bakery) appears on your farm, you'll be given three initial recipes to begin learning your trade: One recipe for a basic product and two recipes for final products.
For example: As a baker you need salt as your special ingredient. With the salt and other ingredients you already have in your barn, you can create the basic dough (basic product). From there, you can take your dough and add additional ingredients to bake bread or a delicious cake (final product).
For example: As a baker you need salt as your special ingredient. With the salt and other ingredients you already have in your barn, you can create the basic dough (basic product). From there, you can take your dough and add additional ingredients to bake bread or a delicious cake (final product).
Over time you can unlock all recipes by simply playing!
Here’s what you can do with your homemade final products:
Here’s what you can do with your homemade final products:
- Receive awesome bonuses by eating them yourself
- Give them to friends to grant them great bonuses
- Sell them on the market to rake in some country coins
- Upgrade/Level up your crafting shops in the Artisans’ Village to work your way up the ranks from apprentice to master!