R U S S I A N - F A M I L Y - F E S T
Starts July 10th 2012
Ends July 24th 2012
We're going to have to set up some special chicken coops for Matryoshka dolls to really get the Russian Family Fest going.
Sounds crazy, but it's easy: Just dress up your own chickens in Matryoshka garb and plant soybeans. You need to exchange soybeans for Matryoshka feed. Get the Russian Chicken Coop, which is in the same menu as the fields. Now nothing can stop the party from being a hit. Choose 4 Matryoshka chickens and start breeding them with Matryoshka feed. Then breed other special chickens, or use them to fill up the Matryoshka dolls. |
From level 2+ you can click on the Event-Place in the City:
When you've clicked on the Event Place, you'll then see a short Tutorial explaining the Event, then you'll see this event window:
Every time you complete a Step of this 7-step Quest, you'll see the "doll" will get "opened", and you can pass to the next step.
- Your stock of Matryochka chickens
- Your stock of special Matryochka feed
- The Prize List for each of the 7 steps
- Deposit the Special Matryochka chickens to the Quest
- Exchange normal chickens to get some Matryochka chickens
(1 chicken = 4 Matryochka)- Exchange Soybean(or Power-Feed) to make special Matryochka feed
(15 Soybean = 1 feed)
* How can I get some Soybean ?
The answer is simple: Grow Your Own
Time: 5 hours
EP (2x2): 36
Plantable on all fields from Level 2+ (including bahamarama)
Do not exchange ALL your stock to make feed as Soybean can not be bought nor sold.* How can I make Special Matryochka Feed with this Soybean ?
Each player will get 10 seeds at the start of the Event.
If you drop down to less than 5 seeds, you'll need to wait for the automatic replenishment roughly every 6 hours.
Click, on the Event-Window, on the bowl of feed. (Number 6 on the picture above)
This will open up a pop-up, where you can choose to make some Special Matryochka Feed.
There are two options:* How can I get some Matryochka chickens?
You can, of course, select more than 1 Special Feed to be made at one time, depending on your stock of Soybean (or Power-Feed).
- Exchange 15x Soybean to get one Special Matryochka Feed
- Exchange 1x Power-Feed to get one Special Matryochka Feed
You will need to EXCHANGE normal chickens to get some special Matiochka Chickens* How can I exchange normal Chickens to make Matryochka chickens?
By clicking on the "exchange-icon" next to the Matryochka Chicken on the Event Window (Number 5 on the picture above), you'll then see a pop-up
where you can exchange:* What do I do with Matryochka chickens now I've got some?
Of course, if you have many normal chickens, you can exchange larger quantities.
- 1 normal chicken to get 4 Matryochka Chickens
Basic Matryochkas have a value of 1 CC each towards the Quest.* How can I transform Matryochka chickens into other Special Chickens?
You can either donate them directly, or transform them into higher CC-valued Special Chickens.
From Level 2+ you'll have access to a special Breeding Pasture: called the Russian Chicken Coop
Click on this icon and place the Russian Chicken Coop onto an empty 2x3 space on your various cultivable lands (including Bahamarama)!
It looks like this:
Similar to the normal Breeding Pasture, but with a pink roof.
In this Russian Chicken Coop, you'll only be able to breed special Matryochka Chickens (and the other higher-valued Special Chickens).
* What are the 4 other types of Special Chickens and their CC-value?
* Can I mix-'n-match different types of Special Chickens in the Russian Chicken Coop?
You can - but it is strongly recommended to breed 4-of-the-same-type!
Here are the Breeding Results that you can expect to get:
* How can I feed the Special Chickens in the Russian Chicken Coop
They do NOT eat Power-Feed directly: it needs to be transformed first!* Can I shorten this Breeding Time?
Once you've selected 4 animals, you'll then need to feed them 1x Special Matryochka feed (see above how to make this special feed).
Then, after 6 hours, your Russian Chicken Coop will be "ready" to harvest.
You'll get 50 EP + a pop-up showing you your Breeding Results.
Yes,* What are the items required for this Event?
- as with the normal Breeding Pastures, you can add "pheromones" to shorten the Breeding Time.
Each pheromone added will half the remaining time.
- 0 pheromones = 6 hours
- +1 pheromone = 3 hours
- +2 pheromones = 1.5 hours
- +3 pheromones = 45 minutes
- + 4 pheromones = 23 minutes
* How can I get some more pheromones?
- They can be gifted to/from neighbours/friends
- They can be bought in the Shopping Center for 1000 CC each
- They can be grown on Scented Trees
- Also, you can use the crafting item called "Pink Jelly" to reduce the initial growing time by 50% (you must "eat" the pink jelly before feeding the Russian Chicken Coop)
- There is also another SkillTree rune that reduces the time of Pastures (+ the Russian Chicken Coop) by 1 hour. (see {FAQ} SkillTree Runes)
Note: 25500 CCs worth of Special Chickens are required.* What are the Reward Items?
You could decide to donate:
- 25500 Matryochka chickens (value 1CC each) (obtained by exchanging 6375 normal chickens)
or if you don't have that many normal chickens to exchange (or buy), you'll need to Breed the Russian Chickens and feed them with the Soybeen Matriochka Feed.- 5100 Ballet Chickens (value: 5CC each)
- 1020 Cosmic Chickens (value: 25CC each)
- 222 Czapka Chickens (value: 115CC each)
- 51 Monocle Cocks (value: 500CC each)
Or a mix of any of the above Special Russian Chickens.
step 1:
Ballet Chicken deco

Size: 1x2
Gives: 235 EP
Time: 6 hours
step 3:
Cosmic Chicken deco

Size: 1x1
Gives: 250 EP
Time: 12 hours
step 5:
Czapka Chicken deco

Size: 1x1
Gives: 270 EP
Time: 12 hours
step 6:

Event Sticker
That you'll find in the Sticker Album
in the Post Office Building
step 6:

Russian Row of Clouds
Buff: 1750 EP
Cooldown time: 24h
step 7:
Monocle Cock deco

Size: 1x2
Gives: 388 EP
Time: 7h30
Ballet Chicken deco
Size: 1x2
Gives: 235 EP
Time: 6 hours
step 3:
Cosmic Chicken deco
Size: 1x1
Gives: 250 EP
Time: 12 hours
step 5:
Czapka Chicken deco
Size: 1x1
Gives: 270 EP
Time: 12 hours
step 6:
Event Sticker
That you'll find in the Sticker Album
in the Post Office Building
step 6:
Russian Row of Clouds
Buff: 1750 EP
Cooldown time: 24h
This "row of clouds" reward
does NOT unlock the Magical Stalk.
It just adds one extra row of clouds.
If you have received this prize, but have not yet unlocked the Magical Stalk, you'll find this row of clouds when you do unlock it later.
does NOT unlock the Magical Stalk.
It just adds one extra row of clouds.
If you have received this prize, but have not yet unlocked the Magical Stalk, you'll find this row of clouds when you do unlock it later.
step 7:
Monocle Cock deco
Size: 1x2
Gives: 388 EP
Time: 7h30
* Can I buy my way through the Quest with BBs?
Yes!* Will there be any Event-Baskets?
Each step can be payed with BBs on the Deposit Window.
- Click on the Gold-Chest to see how many BBs it will cost,
- then validate by clicking on the check-mark.
Yes, there will be two baskets.
Small Basket: Family Basket
- 250 Soybean
- 10 matryoschka chickens
- 15 Power-Feed
- 50 Super-Grow
1,99 Euros (or equivalent in your currency)
Buyable just once
Big Basket: Party Basket
* Will we get any Crafting Slots during this Event?
- 750 Soybean
- 20 ballet chickens
- 2 Carrot-Apple-Chutney
- 60 Power-Feed
- 100 Super-Grow
Costs: 10 Euros (or equivalent in your currency)
Buyable just once
Each Player will get a special DIAMOND-event-crafting-slot opened WHILST the Event is ON.
- This Event slot is linked to the Event-Timer!
- It will be opened at the start of the Event, and will close at the end of the Event!
(If the Event gets prolonged, the Event-Slot will also get prolonged) - If you want to "eat" a crafting product which has a buff-time longer than the remaining Event-Timer, you'll get a warning message asking if you really want to eat this product... if you say yes, be aware that the effect will be cancelled when the Event Timer is OFF!
* Will the Event Crop stay in the Game after the event?
Yes!* Will the remaining Event Matryochka chickens be exchanged?
Soybean will be a mainland level 13 crop, growing time about 2h45, giving 17 EP per 2x2 plot.
• Each "matryoschka chicken" will be exchanged for 0,25 EP
• Each "ballet chicken" will be exchanged for 1 EP
• Each "cosmic chicken" will be exchanged for 5 EP
• Each "czapka chicken" will be exchanged for 20 EP
• Each "monocle cock" will be exchanged for 100 EP
• Each "matryoschka feed" will be exchanged for 2 EP