April 12th -> 22nd (10 days)
See the OA for more precise times as soon as they are known
* Why "Fair Trade"? What is the Storyline for this Event?
As you will have noticed on the OA announcing this event:
• Farmerama is participating in a Charity program
• ArmedAngels.de will produce 'Farmerama Fair Trade T-Shirts', that will be sold and earnings will be donated to 'Fair Trade program'
- - - - - -
* What is special about this Event?
- There will be an event crop: cotton
- donate your harvested cotton in a 10-step-3-difficulties Farmer's Society Quest, to receive in exchange Catalpa seedlings and other great prizes
- Plant your Catalpa seedlings and watch them grow into Catalpa trees
Time for a fully grown Level-4 tree: 16 hours..
Once harvested, you'll find them in your Barn under "other"
(see warning below).
- Then, you can donate your Catalpa trees to the 6 tiered Event-Popup (Event Place) to get prize items. (see below)
- There will also be a drop-item: Bark mulch that can be used on the Catalpa-seedlings to reduce the growing time of the tree by 25% (can be used 1x per Catalpa).
- - - - - -
* What is the minimum level for this Event?
- From level 3+ you can do this Event.
* This Quest seems complicated: Cotton, Catalpa trees, Farmer's Society Quest, Event Place Quest... where do I start?
Firstly, as mentioned above: plant your 10 free cotton seeds (add water, manure, suzy fertilizer and super-grow if you wish).

from level 3+ incluing Bahamarama
EP (2x2): 30
time: 3 hours
from level 3+ incluing Bahamarama
EP (2x2): 30
time: 3 hours
* Can I buy a Starter Pack to get a good head start for this Event?Each player will receive 10 cotton seeds. If you donate all your seeds to the quest, you'll need to wait for the automatic replenishment every 5 hours roughly, where your total will be topped up to 5 seeds.
Yes, of course!
There are even TWO Starter-Baskets in the Shopping Center
Fair Trade Basket 1
• 250x cotton
• 5x Catalpa-tree stage 4
• 20x Bark mulch
• 50x super-grow
• Price: 1.99 Euros (or equivalent in your currency) / buyable only once
Fair Trade Basket 2
• 1000x cotton
• 30x Catalpa-tree stage 4
• 2x carrot apple chutney
• 100x Bark mulch
• 100x super-grow
• Price: 10 Euros (or equivalent in your currency) / Buyable only once
* OK, now: my cotton plants are growing, where should I go first Farmer's Society? or Event Place?
- First go to visit Farmer's Society,
as you'll need the prize-items from this quest (Catalpa seedlings), to participate in the Event Place Quest!!!
where you'll find a 10-step quest, with silver-gold-diamond jobs.
Here is the chart with the required items and the prizes:

Fair Trade Quest
Each challenge will also give stars: 1 for silver, 2 for gold, 3 for diamond
Fair Trade Quest
Each challenge will also give stars: 1 for silver, 2 for gold, 3 for diamond
A maximum of 871 catalpa seedlings can be won.
750 grown to stage 4 are required to complete the next part!
If you don't have enough items to finish a job/challenge, it's preferable NOT to start donating items, as these are non-refundable!
Total requirements for the above Quest:
750 grown to stage 4 are required to complete the next part!
If you don't have enough items to finish a job/challenge, it's preferable NOT to start donating items, as these are non-refundable!
Total requirements for the above Quest:
* OK, I've done a few challenges (still have a few to do), I now have some Catalpa seedlings. What do I do with them?
Once you have won some Catalpa Seedlings, you'll be able to plant them (on an empty space) and watch them grow!
The Catalpa Trees can be harvested manually at any stage of their growth (they will go to your Barn under "other" tab, and have a CC-value for the 2nd part of the Quest), however, the longer you let them grow, the more valuable they will be in CC-value!
(you will need 750 stage-4 trees to complete the 2nd quest)
If you harvest your Catalpa trees whilst they are only seedlings, you will have more difficulties to actually finish the quest!
* Can I speed up the growing time of these Catalpa trees?
You can add Bark mulch 1x to your seedlings to shorten the growing time: 25% shorter growing time
Mulch can be added to stage-1, stage-2 and stage-3 seedlings* OK, I didn't read this FAQ, and I went to the Event Place First. There's nothing I can do there! I don't have any Catalpa Trees! Can I still do this Event?
- You can also use the Harvester for FREE to add Bark mulch to all your Catalpa seedlings at the same time!
Click on the Harvester Machinery, and you'll see a 4th icon, allowing you to add mulch to all the seedlings simultaneously (as long as you have enough Bark mulch in your inventory!)- Bark mulch can also be bought in the Shopping Center
- 1x Bark mulch – 2 BB
- 50x Bark mulch – 85 BB (15% cheaper)
- 100x Bark mulch – 150 BB (25% cheaper)
- 150x Bark mulch – 200 BB (33% cheaper)
- Bark mulch can also be gifted to/from buddies/neighbours from level 5+.
- you can send 5 free gifts (or 7 with the neighbour rune), then it will cost 2BB each.
- a maximum of 20 gifts can be received per day
If you first clicked on the Event Place:
you'll see this Event PopUp:
Effectively, you won't be able to do much until you've first done the Farmer's Society Quest, as you need the rewards (Catalpa tree seedlings) from the Farmer's Society Fair Trade Quest to be able to donate to this 6-tiered quest.* Having now harvested a few Catalpa trees (at various levels of growth), what next?
Therefore, at the top left, you'll see a button to take you straight to Farmer's Society building, to first do the 10-step Quest! (-> go up a few questions on this FAQ)
Now that you have some Catalpa Trees, you'll be able to follow the Event-Place Quest.
It is a 6 tiered Quest.
Here is a chart of the required items and prizes
Prize Items
Wild weaving machine

size: 1x2
gives: 333 EP
time: 14.5h
magic beanstalk row of clouds

You'll see this new row of clouds only if you have unlocked the Magical Beanstalk
Items to place: Fair Trade prize items ONLY (as shown in black/white)
The effect: 500 CC
The cooldown time: 16 hours
Billowy puff of organic cotton

size: 1x1
gives: 355 EP
time: 15h
Efficient T-Shirt packer

size: 1x1
gives: 300 EP
time: 12h
& on step 6:
the "Farmer's delight" Goodie-box
50 super-grow
20 pheromones
25 Suzy Fertilizer
20 power-feed
& the Event Sticker

That you'll find in your Sticker Album,
in the Post-Office building.
Wild weaving machine
size: 1x2
gives: 333 EP
time: 14.5h
magic beanstalk row of clouds
You'll see this new row of clouds only if you have unlocked the Magical Beanstalk
Items to place: Fair Trade prize items ONLY (as shown in black/white)
The effect: 500 CC
The cooldown time: 16 hours
Billowy puff of organic cotton
size: 1x1
gives: 355 EP
time: 15h
Efficient T-Shirt packer
size: 1x1
gives: 300 EP
time: 12h
& on step 6:
the "Farmer's delight" Goodie-box
50 super-grow
20 pheromones
25 Suzy Fertilizer
20 power-feed
& the Event Sticker
That you'll find in your Sticker Album,
in the Post-Office building.
* How will I ever get enough catalpa trees to finish the event-place quest?
The Event-Place quest requires a total CC-value of 75000.* OK, I've been silly, and harvested ALL my catalpa trees before they got to stage 4. How can I finish the Event Place Quest?
This can be achieved by harvesting 750 Catalpa Stage 4 trees.
The Farmer's Society quest will give you a maximum of 871 Catalpa Seedlings (if you complete all 10 steps, all 3 difficulties).
So it is do-able.
It's up to you not to harvest your Catalpa trees too quickly, as they have less value!
871 trees :
- harvested at stage 1 will give 21775 CC value
- harvested at stage 2 will give 43550 CC value
- harvested at stage 3 will give 65325 CC value
- harvested at stage 4 will give 87100 CC value
Note: During testing, the catalpa-trees were not harvestable with the machinery-harvester. This would help to avoid 'premature' harvesting by mistake! Hopefully this will still be the case when the event is live! (beware!!!)
Exceptionnally, for cases like this, the developpers have thought of a process allowing you to re-win a few catalpa seedlings!
A new button:
- Quest Restart Button – As soon as you have achieved at least 1 challenge, you will see a new icon appear on the quest window of the Farmer's Society Quest.
You will be able to reset the Farmer's Society Quest, whatever point you have achieved so far, you can start again at step 1!
(this can be useful maybe if you have enough goods to do all the silver+gold challenges, but no color-palettes, for example...)- Price for restarting the quest: 10 BB
It´s possible multiple times.
notice the new icon at the top:

You'll get a confirmation pop-up asking you if you agree to pay 10 BBs to re-start this quest!
This action is NOT reversible!
Techies will NOT be able to give you details of the previous attempt if you have re-set the quest, as it will also re-set their Logs!
You'll get a confirmation pop-up asking you if you agree to pay 10 BBs to re-start this quest!
This action is NOT reversible!
Techies will NOT be able to give you details of the previous attempt if you have re-set the quest, as it will also re-set their Logs!
* Will leftover Bark mulch and Catalpa Trees be exchanged after the event?
Yes!* Will Cotton stay in the Game after the Event?
• Bark mulch – 15 EP and 15 CCThe exchange will be done the next day after the end of the event.
• tree stage 1 – 3 EP and 3 CC
• tree stage 2 – 5 EP and 5 CC
• tree stage 3 – 7 EP and 7 CC
• tree stage 4 – 10 EP and 10 CC
It will be a level 75 crop.
The crop-FAQ will be updated when this is live.
Source: English Farmerama Forum Faq Forum