{FAQ} Oxcars Event

Feb. 23th to March 4th

* What is the Storyboard behind this Event?

During the event the player has to create a movie as its producer.
So basically he has to take care of the actors, the set and several different things. If he manages to get enough ressources for each these categories, he will be able to win the Oxcar-award.
The categories will be divided in three steps.
For each step, the player reaches, he will get a reward.
First stage is silver, second is gold and third is diamond.
• Best actor
• Best set
• Best special effect
• Best costume design
• Best Make-Up

Stage director: The director is a special room. The player is only able to switch the Screenplay-pages into a Screenplay. As soon as the player has a full set of 5 pages, he will be able to "craft" a Screenplay.

* What is special about this event?
There will be a new Event Crop
There will be drop items
There will be a new Switching/Exchange Licence
* How can I access this event?
From Level 3+ you can access the Event through the Event Place.
Once you've clicked on the Event Place, you'll see a pop-up like this:

* What will the Event Crop be?
You'll be able to grow Gerbera

Can be grown on all lands during the Event
Time: 3 hours
Level: 3 (including Bahamarama)
EP (2x2): 30
Each player will get 10 Gerbera in the beginning of the event.
(Tip: Please don't rush into growing these crops in the very first seconds of the event, as there are often a few first-minute-bugs that need tweaking)
If you have less less than 5 plants of gerbera, we book them up to 5 every 5 hours.
Event plants can not be bought in the Seed Shop, nor bought/sold in the Market.
* What will the Drop Items be?
There will be 5, yes FIVE, drop items!
They are called Screenplay-pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
You will need to collect these Screenplay-pages (that drop on all lands, and on any crops/trees/animals) then, each time you have a complete set of pages 1-2-3-4-5, you can "craft" them into a Screenplayon the Event pop-up.
Very rarely, you could get a very special drop item: A ready made Screenplay!
These can be donated directly to the Event
* How can I get extra pages?
  • You can buy some individually, or in bulk quantities in the Supply Store.
There is a shortcut to get to the Supply Store from the Event Window, as shown in the video of the Event Window above (top-left corner and bottom right corner).

Select either 1/2/3/4/5:
• 1x page – 2 BB
• 100x pages – 150 BB (instead of 200 BB)
  • They can also be purchased directly in the Stage Director's room (when binding pages to books).
In this case each Page costs 2 BB

NOTE: Similarly, on the individual Donation pop-ups for each challenge, you can purchase whole Screenplay for 5 BB each
Which makes it half-price to buy an entire book !
  • They can also be Gifted to/from neighbours/buddies:
• Just the pages 1 to 5 are giftable (no Screenplay)
• Sent 5 gifts (7 with rune)
• Receive up to 20 gifts per day
* Which items are required for this Quest?

If you don't have enough items to complete a challenge, it's preferable NOT to partially donate items, as they can NOT be refunded!

WARNING: these are the requirements for EACH quest.
It is NOT a running-total !!!

* How can I donate items?
Once you've chosen which room you want to donate to, just click on the picture of the item, or the name of the item to donate from your barn.
You can also choose to pay with BBs by clicking on the small blue + icon.
You'll see a first pop-up asking you if you agree to pay XX BBs (to complete the item that you clicked on).
Then you'll have to confirm that you agree.
Prize Items

there are prizes for completing all 5 silver challenges, all 5 gold challenges, and all 5 diamond challenges:

* Is there a starter basket?
The "Oxcar Basket" can be bought through a link in the Supply Store (it will take you to the bank:
• Can be bought only once, price: 1.99 Euro (or equivalent in your currency)
• Including:
  • 50x gerbera,
  • 25x page 1,
  • 25x page 2,
  • 25x page 3,
  • 25x page 4,
  • 25x page 5,
  • 50x super-grow,
  • 6x switching licences
* What is the point of the Special Oxcar Barter & Gift Event?
The idea is to be able to exchange drop items with other players!
After a few days of harvesting various drop-items, the special Oxcar Barter & Gift Event will start on February 28th.
To be able to exchange drop items, you will both need to have a NEW Switching Licence!
Each player will receive 5 FREE Switching Licences on February 23th.
On the following days each player will AUTOMATICALLY get 1x Switching Licence per day for FREE between February 24th and March 4th (maybe around midnight CET? In future trade and gift events the daily switching licence for free will depend on daily login).

Additionally, concerning the normal Barter & Gift Event which will also be taking place at the same time:
The daily free bookings for the normal Barter & Gift Licences will start on Feb 28th (one per day). These bookings WILL depend on daily login (like in the past).

All licences will be shown in your barn.
* Will Gerbera stay in the game after the Event?
We'll tell you more about the stats closer to the end of the Event
* Will the remaining drop items be exchanged at the end of the Event?
• Each page will be exchanged for 3 EP and 3 CC
• Each Screenplay will be exchanged to 15 EP and 15 CC.
When you first login on March 5th starting at 8am CET

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2 Responses to {FAQ} Oxcars Event

  1. Bonuscodes ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  2. Yes, check the dedicated page...
