Suzy Super Fertiliser

* Can I hire Suzy to spray her special fertilizer on my Tropical Crops and Trees?
How does Suzy spraying your fields work?
Once you hire Suzy to spray a field (this will cost you 1 unit of special fertilizer per field/tree), which is done by selecting the plot and clicking on the propeller symbol, you will receive an extra EP award when you harvest the plot.

How much extra EP does Suzy give?
You will receive additional crop yields (+2 crops per acre, +2 fruits on trees) as well as extra 50% EP.
Fields sprayed by Suzy will have a glitter/shimmer effect on them:
Where can I see my stock of Suzy Super-Grow?
You can see your Stock of Suzy's Super-Grow in the Barn on the "Other" tab.

How can I get some more Suzy Super-Grow?
  • You'll get some each time you level up
  • You can buy one unit at the Supply Store for 1 BB
  • You can win some on the Farm Wheel
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