Coloured Animals Breeding Tutorial
Level required for breeding coloured animals: 21
below the pictures show the breeding of coloured
sheep, as they were the first to appear, but it functions the same for
all coloured-animals breeding.
See the video podcast here:
* Coloured Bats note: at this moment, Bat Breeding can only be unlocked via the Halloween Event! Later it should be unlockable during Moonlight Mania Events.
The Breeding-Tutorial can be accessed by clicking here:
If it doesn't open after 4-5 seconds, please refresh your screen and click again.
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Frequently Asked Questions about coloured animals
* What level do I need for the breeding?
- Level 21, or higher to be able to access the breeding field, the animal pen upgrades and for the workshop upgrades

What do I need to prepare Power-Feed / Super-Grow?
- You can now make Power-Feed in the mill, it takes 10 hours and you need: 35x Water, 1x Walnut, 25x corn, 10x tomatoes.
- In the near-future: Super-Grow will be made by clicking on your Manure-Pile, it takes ?? hours, and you need 35x Manure, 30x water and 10x potatoes.
* How do new stable upgrades behave?
- There are two types of upgrades:
one sort can be placed on stables,
the other on workshop stables
one sort can be placed on stables,
the other on workshop stables
- If you delete them both will go back to the inventory
- The X(X)L inventory category will be the new
category for the normal stables (this means, that you find the new
upgrades on the 2nd sub-tab, and the new workshop upgrades on the 3rd
- What do you feed the upgrades with? The same thing as before (either normal food, or like with the workshop stable - feed + animals)
- What do the new stables give? The same items as before, just quicker.
Yellow pen gives 1 normal animal, not coloured animals
Orange pen gives 2 normal animals, not coloured animals
Red pen gives 2 normal animals, not coloured animals
Pink pen gives 3 normal animals, not coloured animals
Yellow Production farm gives 1 normal product
Orange Production farm gives 1 normal product
Red Production farm gives 1 normal product
Pink Production farm gives 2 normal products
Yellow pen gives 1 normal animal, not coloured animals
Orange pen gives 2 normal animals, not coloured animals
Red pen gives 2 normal animals, not coloured animals
Pink pen gives 3 normal animals, not coloured animals
Yellow Production farm gives 1 normal product
Orange Production farm gives 1 normal product
Red Production farm gives 1 normal product
Pink Production farm gives 2 normal products
* Harvester
- You can use the harvester for the breeding fields.
* XXL Upgrades
- You will not be able to buy the old X(X)L upgrades anymore, first only for the sheep, than for the others too.
- XL and XXL upgrades will now be called "classic stables"
with a yellow star or a green star – if you delete the classic stables
after the update you will only get the classic stable, not the classic
stable plus the old stable. The base stable is now "merged" into the
upgrade, so you'll see only the upgrade on the top-tab of the animal
- The same thing goes for workshop upgrades and spooky upgrades, they will be stand-alone upgrades too.
* Pheromones

- Cuts production time in half
- Add up to 4 bottles of pheromones per breeding to reduce the time
- Can be sent as a gift or bought in town
* At this moment, the Farmwheel bonus 100% harvest (with barn sign) is not working for the Coloured Animals Breeding feature.
If/when this coloured-animal-breeding feature is included in this bonus, we'll inform you.
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Holding Pens
can be built in the Workshop to display your best coloured animals, and get some EPs from them!
can be built in the Workshop to display your best coloured animals, and get some EPs from them!
small 1x1 Single Pen
for 1 coloured animal of your choice

tools required to build: 5 hammers, 100 wood, 300 nails
for 1 coloured animal of your choice
tools required to build: 5 hammers, 100 wood, 300 nails
large 2x2 Group Pen
for 3 coloured animals of your choice

tools required to build: 15 hammers, 300 wood, 900 nails
for 3 coloured animals of your choice
tools required to build: 15 hammers, 300 wood, 900 nails
Once built, you'll find the Single Pen and/or Group Pen in your Flower Tab (2nd Sub-tab with graduation cap)
Click on the Solo Pen or the Group Pen,
select, for example: "Rabbits" (with the animal icon at the top left)
then choose the required rabbits to put in your holding pen , (from your inventory)
then click on "drop pen"
select, for example: "Rabbits" (with the animal icon at the top left)
then choose the required rabbits to put in your holding pen , (from your inventory)
then click on "drop pen"
Animals in the Holding Pens give EP every 9 hours
depending on which animals you put onto it (see below).
depending on which animals you put onto it (see below).
If/when you delete the "Group pen" or the "Single pen",
the animal will return to your inventory,
and the enclosure will return to your Flower Tab (2nd sub-tab)
the animal will return to your inventory,
and the enclosure will return to your Flower Tab (2nd sub-tab)
You can then set it up again, with new coloured animal to give you more EPs
* The Solo Pen and Group Pen can be placed on the Park too
as they are EP givers and can be found in your Flower Tab
as they are EP givers and can be found in your Flower Tab