Rabbit Breeding - Angora Wool Production
Breeding coloured rabbits
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How to make coloured rabbits:
You can also make some coloured rabbits in the Pasture.
Select "Rabbits"

Then, choose four rabbits (from your inventory) and transform them into something NEW: a coloured rabbit.
4 white-normal rabbits will "normally" produce a cocoa rabbit (or a cuddles)
4 cocoa rabbits will "normally" produce a cuddles rabbit (or a trixx)
4 cuddles rabbits will "normally" produce a trixx rabbit (or a scaredy)
4 trixx rabbits will "normally" produce a scaredy rabbit (or a snowy)
4 scaredy rabbits will "normally" produce a snowy rabbit (or a abracadabra)
4 snowy rabbits will "normally" produce a abracadabra rabbit (or a flopsy)
4 abracadabra rabbits will "normally" produce a flopsy rabbit (or a easter-bunny)
4 flopsy rabbits will "normally" produce a easter-bunny

MIXING coloured animals RARELY gives good results
4 cocoa rabbits will "normally" produce a cuddles rabbit (or a trixx)
4 cuddles rabbits will "normally" produce a trixx rabbit (or a scaredy)
4 trixx rabbits will "normally" produce a scaredy rabbit (or a snowy)
4 scaredy rabbits will "normally" produce a snowy rabbit (or a abracadabra)
4 snowy rabbits will "normally" produce a abracadabra rabbit (or a flopsy)
4 abracadabra rabbits will "normally" produce a flopsy rabbit (or a easter-bunny)
4 flopsy rabbits will "normally" produce a easter-bunny
MIXING coloured animals RARELY gives good results
NOTE: You will not get the 4 rabbits back - they go to retirement, and you must then replace them with 4 more rabbits
Feed them 2 power-feed and breeding will begin.
(Power-feed can be bought at the green-silo, and/or made in your Mill)
(Power-feed can be bought at the green-silo, and/or made in your Mill)
Normal time = 6 hours
Add pheromones (gifts from neighbours and/or can be purchased in the Store) to reduce production time.
With 1 pheromone = 3 hours
With 2 pheromones = 1,5 hours
With 3 pheromones = 45 minutes
With 4 pheromones = 22 minutes.
Add pheromones (gifts from neighbours and/or can be purchased in the Store) to reduce production time.
With 1 pheromone = 3 hours
With 2 pheromones = 1,5 hours
With 3 pheromones = 45 minutes
With 4 pheromones = 22 minutes.
When the NEW rabbit is made, you'll see a pacifier sign.
Harvest your new rabbit, and you'll get a pop-up with the new rabbit.
Harvest your new rabbit, and you'll get a pop-up with the new rabbit.
Exchange values (CCs) for coloured rabbits
Cocoa: 900
Cuddles: 2 500
Trixx: 8 300
Scaredy: 26 000
Snowy: 83 000
Abracadabra: 260 000
Flopsy: 840 000
Easter Bunny 2 500 000
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How to use Coloured Rabbits in the Workshop
In the workshop, select the "Rabbit" on the top-left
tab, you'll see all the new upgrades for the Rabbit Hutch that you can
buy in the Carpenter's Shop, and upgrades for the Rabbit Shearing Shed.
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New Rabbit Hutch + 4 Upgrades
level required: 4
requires feed: 1x rabbit feed
Gives EP: 28
produces: 1 (normal) rabbit
time to produce: 6h30
with water: 5h12h
with power-feed: 3h15h
with power-feed and water: 2h36h
can be purchased in the Carpenters Shop for: 350 CCs
requires feed: 1x rabbit feed
Gives EP: 28
produces: 1 (normal) rabbit
time to produce: 6h30
with water: 5h12h
with power-feed: 3h15h
with power-feed and water: 2h36h
can be purchased in the Carpenters Shop for: 350 CCs
New Upgrades for Rabbit Hutches
from level 21+
from level 21+
These can be built in the Workshop, in the city,
by donating the required tools.
by donating the required tools.
Once built, you'll find them in the 2nd Sub-tab = need to be placed on a normal hutch
These are NOT upgrades to each other.
Each one can be built when you want and placed straight onto a normal rabbit hutch (from Carpenter's Shop)
Each one can be built when you want and placed straight onto a normal rabbit hutch (from Carpenter's Shop)
Rabbit Hutch I : Yellow

Tools required: - 5 saws, 4 hammers, 80 wood, 240 nails, 5 cocoa rabbits
Gives (EP): 30
Produces: 1 normal rabbit
Time required: 5h55
with water: 4h44
with power-feed: 2h58
with power-feed and water: 2h22
This Rabbit Hutch I can be bought in the Supply Store for 1400 CCs
Gives (EP): 30
Produces: 1 normal rabbit
Time required: 5h55
with water: 4h44
with power-feed: 2h58
with power-feed and water: 2h22
This Rabbit Hutch I can be bought in the Supply Store for 1400 CCs
Rabbit Hutch II - Orange

Tools required: - 15 hammers, 300 wood, 900 nails, 20 machine parts, 4 trixx rabbits
Gives (EP): 87
Produces: 2 normal rabbits
Time required: 8h40
with water: 6h56
with power-feed: 4h20
with power-feed and water 3h28
This Rabbit Hutch II can be bought in the Supply Store for 35 BB
Gives (EP): 87
Produces: 2 normal rabbits
Time required: 8h40
with water: 6h56
with power-feed: 4h20
with power-feed and water 3h28
This Rabbit Hutch II can be bought in the Supply Store for 35 BB
Rabbit Pen III - Red

Tools required: -15 saws, 25 hammers, 500 wood, 1500 nails, 3 snowy rabbits
Gives (EP): 102
Produces: 2 normal rabbits
Time required: 7h25
with water: 5h56
with power-feed: 3h53h
with power-feed and water: 2h58
Gives (EP): 102
Produces: 2 normal rabbits
Time required: 7h25
with water: 5h56
with power-feed: 3h53h
with power-feed and water: 2h58
Rabbit Pen IV : Pink

Tools required: - 35 hammers, 700 wood, 2100 nails, 45 machine parts, 2 flopsy rabbits
Gives (EP): 168
Produces: 3 normal rabbits
Time required 9h45h
with water: 7h48
with power-feed: 4h53
with power-feed and water: 3h54h
Gives (EP): 168
Produces: 3 normal rabbits
Time required 9h45h
with water: 7h48
with power-feed: 4h53
with power-feed and water: 3h54h
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New Rabbit Shearing-Shed + 4 upgrades
Level 13+

Level 13+
Tools required: - 6 spades, 12 hammers, 240 wood, 720 nails, 1 scissors
Gives (EP): 140
Produces: 1 angora wool
Requires: 1 rabbit feed AND 2 rabbits (from Barn)
Time required: 24
with water: 19h12
with power-feed: 12h
with power-feed and water: 9h36
Gives (EP): 140
Produces: 1 angora wool
Requires: 1 rabbit feed AND 2 rabbits (from Barn)
Time required: 24
with water: 19h12
with power-feed: 12h
with power-feed and water: 9h36
New Upgrades for Rabbit-Shearing Shed
Level required: 21+
Level required: 21+
Once built, you'll find them in the 3rd Sub-tab = need to be placed on a Shearing-Shed
These are NOT upgrades to each other.
Each one can be built when you want and placed straight onto a normal rabbit shearing shed.
Each one can be built when you want and placed straight onto a normal rabbit shearing shed.
Rabbit Shearing Shed I: Yellow

Level required:- 21
Tools required:- 8 hammers, 160 wood, 480 nails, 2 scissors, 5 cuddles rabbits
Gives (EP): 149
Produces: 1 angora wool
Requires: 1 rabbit feed AND 2 rabbits (from Barn)
Time required: 21h50
with water: 17h28
with power-feed: 10h55
with power-feed and water: 8h44
Tools required:- 8 hammers, 160 wood, 480 nails, 2 scissors, 5 cuddles rabbits
Gives (EP): 149
Produces: 1 angora wool
Requires: 1 rabbit feed AND 2 rabbits (from Barn)
Time required: 21h50
with water: 17h28
with power-feed: 10h55
with power-feed and water: 8h44
Rabbit Shearing Shed II - Orange

Level required:- 21
Tools required: - 15 hammers, 300 wood, 900 nails, 3 scissors, 4 scaredy rabbits
Gives (EP): 217
Produces: 1 angora wool
Requires: 1 rabbit feed AND 2 rabbits (from Barn)
Time required: 16h
with water: 12h48
with power-feed: 8h
with power-feed and water: 6h24
Tools required: - 15 hammers, 300 wood, 900 nails, 3 scissors, 4 scaredy rabbits
Gives (EP): 217
Produces: 1 angora wool
Requires: 1 rabbit feed AND 2 rabbits (from Barn)
Time required: 16h
with water: 12h48
with power-feed: 8h
with power-feed and water: 6h24
Rabbit Shearing Shed III: Red

Level required:- 21
Tools required: - 25 hammers, 500 wood, 1500 nails, 4 scissors, 3 abracadabra rabbits
Gives (EP): 240
Produces: 1 angora wool
Requires: 1 rabbit feed AND 2 rabbits (from Barn)
Time required: 13h40
with water: 10h55
with power-feed: 6h50
with power-feed and water: 5h27
Tools required: - 25 hammers, 500 wood, 1500 nails, 4 scissors, 3 abracadabra rabbits
Gives (EP): 240
Produces: 1 angora wool
Requires: 1 rabbit feed AND 2 rabbits (from Barn)
Time required: 13h40
with water: 10h55
with power-feed: 6h50
with power-feed and water: 5h27
Rabbit Shearing Shed IV: Pink

Level required:- 21
Tools required: - 35 hammers, 700 wood, 2100 nails, 4 scissors, 2 easter bunnies
Gives (EP): 560
Produces: 2 angora wool
Requires: 1 rabbit feed AND 2 rabbits (From Barn)
Time required: 24h
with water: 19h12
with power-feed: 12h
with power-feed and water: 9h35
Tools required: - 35 hammers, 700 wood, 2100 nails, 4 scissors, 2 easter bunnies
Gives (EP): 560
Produces: 2 angora wool
Requires: 1 rabbit feed AND 2 rabbits (From Barn)
Time required: 24h
with water: 19h12
with power-feed: 12h
with power-feed and water: 9h35
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Rabbit holding pens

Values for each coloured rabbit:
white-normal: 1 EP
cocoa: 4 EP
cuddles: 8 EP
trixx 12 EP
scaredy: 16 EP
snowy: 20 EP
abracadabra: 24 EP
flopsy: 28 EP
easter bunny: 32 EP
Single-pens hold 1 animal
Group-pens hold 3 animals
see 1st post above.
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Rabbit holding pens
Values for each coloured rabbit:
white-normal: 1 EP
cocoa: 4 EP
cuddles: 8 EP
trixx 12 EP
scaredy: 16 EP
snowy: 20 EP
abracadabra: 24 EP
flopsy: 28 EP
easter bunny: 32 EP
Single-pens hold 1 animal
Group-pens hold 3 animals
see 1st post above.
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