{FAQ} Sport Fest Part Two


from 02 August to 07 August
please see the OA for the actual times

* What is the minimum level required for this Event?
Level 2
* What is special about this Event?
There will be a special Event Crops: Pea

Can be grown on all lands (including Bahamarama)
level: 2 (including Bahamarama)

time: 4 hours
EP (2x2): 32 EP
All players level 2+ will get 10 seeds at the beginning of the Event.
They will not be in the Seed Shops, nor will they be buyable/sellable at the market.
If you drop down to less than 5 seeds, you'll need to wait for the automatic replenishment every 5 - 6 hours
There are no drop items in this part of the event.

* The quest requirements:
Sportfest 2012

* Can I pay with BBs to finish the Quest faster?
Just pass your cursor over the Gold Chest, to see how many BBs it would cost to finish that particular challenge:

make sure your Tooltips are "on" (Farm Settings)
It's also possible to reset/re-start the quest at any moment for 35 BB, by using the "reset" button at the top right of the quest window:

You'll be asked to validate on a pop-up window.
By accepting to re-start the quest at Step 1 Silver, you get to keep any rewards that you have won up to that point.
* Will there be a Starter-Basket?

In the Supply Store, you'll find a Sports Spectacular Medium Starter-Basket.

Medium event basket:
  • 250x Pea
  • 2x Pumpkin Jam
  • 3x Tomato Chutney
  • 2x Chocolate Pancake
  • 24x hours all 3 harvester sections
  • 75 Super Grow
  • Price: 5 Euro or equivalent in your currency (through the bank)
  • Buyable: just once
* Will Pea stay in the game after the Event?
They will be a level 28 farm crop.

Source Official Farmerama Forums.
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